Contact details - visitors

  • If you fill in the contact form, your details will be stored temporarily and then removed.
  • MyChores will never provide your contact details to any third party.

Personal information - members

  • Your contact details will be stored securely and only used by MyChores.
  • MyChores will never provide your contact details to any third party.
  • You may leave MyChores at any time and your details will be removed.
  • You get to choose whether or not you receive notifications, and if so, how often.
  • The tasks you track on MyChores will never be published to anyone outside your team.
  • Whilst MyChores might publish generalised statistics, individuals will never be singled out.
  • Each team has an RSS feed of tasks completed, with an un-guessable URL. If you choose to make that URL publicly known, that is your responsibility. The URL can be changed upon request.
  • If you choose to use Twitter Integration to publish tasks completed, that is your responsibility.

Passwords - members

  • Your MyChores password is stored using one-way encryption and cannot be decrypted.
  • Your Twitter password, if you provide it, is stored using two-way encryption so that it can be sent to Twitter. I give my word that it will not be decrypted for malicious purposes.

Non-personal information

  • MyChores needs cookies enabled to keep you logged in.
  • MyChores uses Google Analytics to track how people are using the site.