MCZs Northern Ireland
Marine Conservation Zones in Northern Ireland
In Northern Ireland, the Department of Environment (DOE) has recently consulted on ‘A Northern Ireland Marine Bill – Policy Proposals’ which sets out proposals for marine planning and marine nature conservation within Northern Ireland's territorial waters (within the 12 nautical mile limit) including proposals for Marine Conservation Zones (MCZ) similar to those in England. Although the DOE intends to have a network of effectively managed MPAs in place comprising European marine sites and MCZs by 2020, the necessary legislation has yet to pass into NI law.
How are the RYA and RYA Northern Ireland involved?
It is likely that there may be some delay in Northern Ireland identifying and designating new MCZs, however the RYA/RYA Northern Ireland will keep a watching brief as the legislation progresses and make sure the interests of recreational boaters are represented.
Where can you find out more?
More information on Northern Ireland’s Marine Bill can be found here.
Contact UsArticle Published: March 16, 2011 12:07
Article Updated: August 28, 2013 16:18