Welcome to the StatCounter demo!

Guitar Online Screenshot

This demo contains live data from a real website which sells guitars and musical instruments online; http://www.guitar-online.com/en/
Guitar Online have generously agreed to share their data with us.

Browse through the menu items on the left to explore how StatCounter enables you to analyse your data.

  • Visitor Paths: how your most recent visitors have navigated through your site
  • Browsers: whether the majority of your visitors use Internet Explorer or Firefox
14:39:48 20 January 2013 Summary Log: No Limit
Summary Chart
Date Range:   or     -  
Data to Show:
Graph Type:

  Page Loads Unique Visits First Time Visits पुनर्भेंट
Total 2,985 1,714 1,643 71
Average 373 214 205 9
DayDatePage Loads Unique Visits First Time Visits पुनर्भेंट
Sunday 20th January 2013 264 128 126 2
Saturday 19th January 2013 487 277 264 13
Friday 18th January 2013 405 232 221 11
Thursday 17th January 2013 396 226 217 9
Wednesday 16th January 2013 392 216 210 6
Tuesday 15th January 2013 368 216 208 8
Monday 14th January 2013 319 192 181 11
Sunday 13th January 2013 354 227 216 11


Returning Visits - Based purely on a cookie, if this person is returning to your website for another visit an hour or more later

First Time Visits - Based purely on a cookie, if this person has no cookie then this is considered their first time at your website.

Unique Visitor - Based purely on a cookie, this is the total of the returning visits and first time visits - all your visitors.

Page Load - The number of times your page has been visited.