
Forum Terms and Conditions 

RYA forums are provided as a service to RYA Members to facilitate the exchange of constructive boating information of a non commercial nature. They are your forums, so please post and encourage others to post according to the guidelines below, as our final defence to degenerating forums will be to switch the facility off.

We reserve the right to remove any posting at our discretion, although this will normally be reserved for a posting that offends, or may offend, any person or organisation, and may even remove forum user rights in the case of serious or persistent offenders.

If you are not happy with this, then kindly do not use the forum. The following list is not exhaustive, but gives some indication of what we do and do not tolerate:

Please do use RYA forums to:

  • debate, strongly if necessary, the issues and concerns you have around your boating interests
  • exchange information about boating locations, equipment, skills etc. with other RYA members
  • advertise job vacancies for people with RYA qualifications
  • advertise your availability to work or crew if you hold RYA qualifications. Private ads only no agencies
  • connect with other like minded RYA qualified watersports professionals, such as instructors and coaches.
  • Exchange information about boating items privately for sale or wanted

Please do NOT:

  • Use forums to attempt to get an answer from the RYA on an issue. Although we will monitor the forums and may occasionally post to them, if you want to ask for an RYA view on a matter, or for the RYA's advice, please continue to use the existing feedback channels such as the web ask the RYA facility
  • be offensive towards other forum users
  • post off topic material, spam, or any non boating related unconstructive chit chat
  • break the law, such as by posting racially abusive or pornographic material, attempt to sell items you don t own, operate under false pretences etc.
  • attempt to sell commercially or promote a commercial concern, including attempting to gain by posting links to commercial sites. For example, brokers may not place their boats for sale on this site or link to them on theirs. This includes RYA TCs who may only promote job vacancies on the site but not advertise their courses.
  • post the same message or substantially the same message more than once
  • share user IDs. One username per RYA member
  • post more than 2000 words in one posting
  • We do not endorse any tuition outside the RYA recognition system and therefore will not allow postings on the forum which promote individual instructors to members of the public for the purposes of own boat tuition'

All users of forums need to be aware that people using forums, even other RYA members, are not always who they say they are and their intentions may be immoral or even criminal. Always exercise caution in your dealings with others.

We hope you enjoy the RYA forums. If you see anything on the forums you don t like or think we won t like, please use the Report link at the top of the offending post and it will be dealt with.

Contact Us

Article Published: June 26, 2009 16:30

Article Updated: October 14, 2013 16:30


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