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Marine Toolkit

See the Marine Toolkit

The Green Blue’s Marine Toolkit is designed to help managers of leisure boating businesses and leaders of boat clubs abide by regulations and make more of their facilities by reducing waste and increasing efficiency.

Environmental issues are ever-present and important to businesses of all types, and environmental performance is also increasingly important to customers. However, there is so much information around that finding a place to start can be a daunting prospect.

The Marine Toolkit is based on the best practice guidelines of the BMF's Environmental Code of Practice for marine leisure businesses.

The Marine Toolkit will:

  • Help you make sure you are compliant with environmental legislation.
  • Help you save money through reducing your use of water, energy and materials.
  • Give you a competitive edge by improving your green credentials.
  • Help you benchmark your current environmental performance and measure improvements.
  • Help you identify easy low/no cost options for improving environmental performance.


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Who's been polluting Paradise Harbour? Help The Green Blue to solve the mystery at the RYA Suzuki Dinghy Show 2015! Read more