The Green Blue Toolkit


Who is The Green Blue Self Assessment Environmental Toolkit for?

The Green Blue Environmental Toolkit is designed for managers of marine leisure businesses and leaders of boat clubs. It will help you to make more of your business or club by reducing your waste and increasing efficiency.

Environmental issues are increasingly important to businesses of all types. Environmental performance is also important to your customers. However, there is so much information around that knowing who to turn to, and where to start, can be daunting.

What does the toolkit do?

This toolkit has been created based on the established best practice guidelines of the Environmental Code of Practice (EcoP) for marine leisure businesses.

The Toolkit will

  • Help you make sure you are compliant with environmental legislation
  • Help you save money through improving your use of water, energy and materials
  • Help you improve your competitiveness through waste minimisation and better waste management
  • Help you benchmark your current environmental performance and measure improvements
  • Help you identify easy low/no cost options for improving environmental performance

How has it been developed?

This toolkit has been developed through an innovative pilot project between The Green Blue and Groundwork, during which it was tested with marine leisure businesses and clubs in south Essex and Cornwall.

We welcome your suggestions as to how we can continue improving the Toolkit, please send any feedback

Thank you for getting involved with The Green Blue.