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Press Releases & Notes

  1. Mon, 02 Mar 2015
    Yahoo's growth stalls in February but earlier gains largely retained
  2. Mon, 02 Feb 2015
    Yahoo gains further US search share in January
  3. Wed, 07 Jan 2015
    Yahoo achieves highest US search share since 2009
  4. Wed, 03 Dec 2014
    Three times more Yahoo search usage on Firefox 34 in the US
  5. Mon, 01 Dec 2014
    Windows 8.1 overtakes XP and breaks 10% mark for first time globally in terms of internet usage
  6. Thu, 18 Sep 2014
    Mobile internet usage soars by 67%
  7. Mon, 08 Sep 2014
    Apple 'holding its own' reports StatCounter ahead of imminent iPhone 6 announcement
  8. Tue, 02 Sep 2014
    Windows 8.1 overtakes 8 worldwide
  9. Wed, 02 Apr 2014
    Less than a week to go and XP remains world's second most popular operating system
  10. Tue, 04 Feb 2014
    New StatCounter report highlights global risk to business and other users from Windows XP
  11. Mon, 16 Dec 2013
    New StatCounter data finds that tablet internet usage is less than 5% globally
  12. Mon, 09 Sep 2013
    Web analytics company StatCounter charts Apple's global battle with Samsung ahead of rumored new iPhone launch
  13. Wed, 10 Jul 2013
    Web analytics company StatCounter launches "Internet Wars" Report
  14. Mon, 04 Feb 2013
    Apple and Samsung displace Nokia worldwide for first time in terms of internet usage
  15. Fri, 30 Nov 2012
    Windows 8 slower out of the traps than predecessor Windows 7
  16. Thu, 25 Oct 2012
    Windows 8 has battle globally to kill off XP
  17. Mon, 09 Jul 2012
    Web analytics company StatCounter highlights evolving global browser landscape in new video
  18. Mon, 18 Jun 2012
    [Note] An Open Letter to Roger Capriotti, Microsoft
  19. Fri, 01 Jun 2012
    Independent web analytics firm StatCounter confirms milestone as Chrome overtakes IE globally for first calendar month
    Language: EN | ES
  20. Wed, 30 May 2012
    [Note] Response to articles on certain Spanish websites 28th & 29th May
    Language: EN | ES
  21. Tue, 08 May 2012
    IE9 bucks the trend of older Microsoft browsers at weekends
  22. Wed, 11 Apr 2012
    Screen Resolution Alert for Web Developers
  23. Wed, 21 Mar 2012
    Chrome is world's number one browser for a day
  24. Mon, 06 Feb 2012
    Mobile internet usage is doubling year on year
  25. Thu, 15 Dec 2011
    Chrome 15 Becomes World's Most Popular Browser
  26. Thu, 01 Dec 2011
    Chrome Overtakes Firefox Globally for First Time
  27. Tue, 01 Nov 2011
    Windows 7 overtakes XP globally for first time in October
  28. Mon, 01 Aug 2011
    Chrome Overtakes Firefox for UK Number Two Browser Spot in July
  29. Fri, 01 Jul 2011
    Chrome Breaks 20% Globally in June
  30. Wed, 01 Jun 2011
    Firefox 4 Becomes Leading Firefox Version
  31. Wed, 23 Mar 2011
    Firefox 4 Hits the Ground Running and Eclipses Internet Explorer 9
  32. Tue, 08 Mar 2011
    Android overtakes BlackBerry for first time
  33. Tue, 01 Mar 2011
    Bing overtakes Yahoo! globally for first time
  34. Tue, 04 Jan 2011
    Firefox overtakes Internet Explorer in Europe in browser wars
  35. Wed, 01 Dec 2010
    BlackBerry overtakes Apple in Mobile Wars
  36. Tue, 05 Oct 2010
    Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser falls below 50% of worldwide market for first time
  37. Wed, 01 Sep 2010
    Windows 7 Jumps Ahead of Vista Globally for First Time
  38. Tue, 31 Aug 2010
    Redd Monday for Digg
  39. Mon, 28 Jun 2010
    Chrome overtakes Safari for first time to claim third place in US Internet browser market
  40. Tue, 01 Jun 2010
    IE6 Falls Below 5% for First Time in US and Europe
  41. Thu, 22 Apr 2010
    Twitter Generates Almost One in Ten Social Media Hits to Websites
  42. Wed, 13 Jan 2010
    Google Gained Market Share in China in Last Six Months
  43. Tue, 03 Nov 2009
    Encouraging Start for Windows 7
  44. Mon, 02 Nov 2009
    Bing US Market Share Stabilises but Yahoo! Continues Fall
  45. Thu, 01 Oct 2009
    Bing Records First Monthly Decline Since Launch
  46. Tue, 01 Sep 2009
    Bing Slows in Race against Google
  47. Mon, 03 Aug 2009
    Bing Gains Another 1% of Search Market
  48. Fri, 10 Jul 2009
    Bing Overtakes Yahoo! for Second Time
  49. Thu, 02 Jul 2009
    Firefox 3.5 Fast Out of Blocks
  50. Wed, 01 Jul 2009
    Bing Gains 1% of Search Market for Microsoft
  51. Thu, 11 Jun 2009
    Bing Takes Market Share Despite Falling Behind Yahoo!
  52. Fri, 05 Jun 2009
    Bing Overtakes Yahoo!
  53. Tue, 02 Jun 2009
    Opera Retakes Leadership from iPhone in Mobile Browser Market
  54. Tue, 31 Mar 2009
    Firefox 3.0 Becomes Most Popular Web Browser in Europe for First Time
  55. Mon, 23 Mar 2009
    Vista Breaks Through 30% U.S. Market Share
  56. Fri, 20 Mar 2009
    Microsoft IE 8 Launch 'Underwhelms'
  57. Wed, 04 Mar 2009
    Firefox 3 Gains Ground on Microsoft Internet Explorer in Internet Browser Wars
  58. Tue, 03 Mar 2009
    iPhone Takes Global Lead in Mobile Browser Wars - StatCounter Research
  59. Tue, 03 Mar 2009
    StatCounter Launches Free Global Stats Tool
  60. Wed, 03 Sep 2008
    Chrome Grabs 1% of Global Browser Market in First Day
  61. Thu, 31 Jul 2008
    Statcounter Research Shows New Search Engine Cuil is One to Watch
  62. Thu, 19 Jun 2008
    Stout Performance by Firefox 3 Confirmed by StatCounter
  63. Tue, 18 Mar 2008
    iPhone Increases Market Share in Mobile Browser Wars

Statcounter Research Shows New Search Engine Cuil is One to Watch

Thursday, 31st July, 2008: Research by Irish company Statcounter, which provides free web site traffic statistics, shows that Cuil, the new search engine launched on Monday could be a significant rival to Google. After just one day, Cuil accounted for 1 in every 1000 searches done.

Aodhan Cullen, CEO and founder of StatCounter said, "This is phenomenal when you consider that Altavista, a search engine founded in 1995, accounted for just 6 in 10,000 searches."

Cullen continued, "There are over 100 search engines we monitor and Cuil was in the top ten in US, UK and Ireland. When you consider that over 90 other search engines (e.g. go, excite,, lycos) combined accounted for just 1.54% of searches on Tuesday - Cuil with its 0.1% share on the market inside 24 hours is doing extremely well."

On Tuesday Cuil accounted for 1 in 1,000 searches globally and in the US. 1 in 500 searches in the UK and 1 in every 400 searches in Ireland.*

*Note: This information is based on a sample of over 25 million page views globally.


Press queries to:

Mary O'Brien/Jacinta Ryan (Simpson FTPR) Tel: +353-1-2605300/+353 86 8330809

About StatCounter

StatCounter, a free online visitor stats tool, was founded in 1999. It offers its members the chance to grow and improve their online businesses by allowing them to monitor the number of hits to their website; the geographical location of visitors; the various pages a visitor views; keywords used to find the site plus other features.

StatCounter currently has over 1.5 million members and tracks in excess of 9 billion pageloads per month over its network of 2 million websites. A Google PageRank 9/10 site, StatCounter was recently named by web information company Alexa as one of the most visited sites in the US. For information on this real-time, user-friendly, and free visitor stats tool, please visit
