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Sailing Federation

Olympic Solidarity section - Athletes

The OS Athletes section programmes available within the context of the 2013 - 2016 quadrennial plan offer NOCs assistance adapted to the age and level of their athletes as well as to the type of competitions for which they are preparing. The objective is to provide each NOC with the technical and financial means to ensure they can fulfil their specific needs and priorities during the various development stages of their athletes.

Olympic Scholarships for Athletes, 'Rio 216' - Applications open in March 2014

Designed to assist elite athletes selected and proposed by their respective National Olympic Committees (NOCs) in their preparation and qualification for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, with a particular focus on athletes and NOCs withy the greatest needs. Should an athlete be awarded an Olympic scholarship, the NOC or training centre will ensure that he/she benefits from funding for items such as access to appropriate training facilities, specialised coaching for the relevant sporting discipline, medical and scientific assistance and control, accident and illness insurance, board and lodging costs, adequate pocket money, Fixed subsidy to offset travel costs required to participate in international qualification competitions, access to technical information on the Rio Olympic Games.

Olympic Solidarity will work with certain partner NOCs, International Sport Federations and independent training centres to provide training opportunities to the scholarship holders.

An NOC may put forward a maximum of 15 candidatures for scholarships and athletes must have the following profile in order to be considered:

  1. 'International-level' athlete practicing a sport included on the Olympic Programme
  2. Sufficient level to be able to qualify for the Rio Olympic Games.
  3. Athletes who do not have access to alternative means of paying for their preparation or to whom the scholarship will make a 'significant' difference.
  4. Athletes who have been convicted of a doping offence or sanctioned for actions contrary to the sporting code of ethics will NOT be put forward.

Technical and financial assistance for athletes

Training centre option: NOC Training option:

Athlete training in global training centre network established by Olympic Solidarity.

Athlete training in home country or abroad in a centre approved by the NOC.
Reporting by a centre or partner NOC to Olympic Solidarity and NOC every 4 months. Reporting by NOC to Olympic Solidarity every 4 months.

Administered by Olympic Solidarity, training centre or partner NOC or International Sport Federations that have an agreement with Olympic Solidarity to be able to place athletes into their training centre network. For athletes benefiting from this option, all costs are included in the total budget agreed upon with the training centre and the budget is managed directly by the training centre. The scholarship holders are expected to coordinate with the National Sport Federation (MNA) for the entry of the athletes into the qualification competitions.

A list of 'recognized' high performance training centres will be made available by ISAF should MNAs or their National Olympic Committees (NOCs) require it for their application.

Administered by NOC

Olympic qualification

Travel Subsidy:
Reimbursement of transport costs by Olympic Solidarity
$5,000 USD maximum per athlete
One reimbursement per athlete
Administered by the NOC

Continental Athlete Support Grant - Documents

Youth Olympic Games Athlete Support - Documents

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