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Who We Are

Max Read
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Deputy Editor
Leah Beckmann
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Features Editor
Leah Finnegan
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Senior Editors
Jason Parham
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Caity Weaver
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News Editor
Taylor Berman
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Senior Writers
Hamilton Nolan
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Rich Juzwiak
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Adam Weinstein
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Sam Biddle
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Art Director
Jim Cooke
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Dan Lyons
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Staff Writers
J.K. Trotter
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Jay Hathaway
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Jordan Sargent
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Dayna Evans
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Kelly Conaboy
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Andy Cush
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Allie Jones
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Aleks Chan
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Contributing Editors
Kiese Laymon
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Gabrielle Bluestone (Nights)
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Hudson Hongo (Weekends)
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Brendan O’Connor (Weekends)
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Executive Editor, Gawker Media
Tommy Craggs
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Executive Managing Editor, Gawker Media
Lacey Donohue
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Executive Features Editor, Gawker Media
Tom Scocca
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Investigations Editor
John Cook
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Special Projects Editor
Alex Pareene
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Director, Editorial Labs
Adam Pash
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What Is Gawker?

Gawker is your one-stop guide to media and pop culture. It is the place you come to learn the real story—the account you won't (or can't) find anywhere else. For more about Gawker's mission, read here. For more about Gawker Media Group, the blog's parent company, read here.

Gawker's coverage is broken down over ten sections and a handful of personal blogs. Here's a quick directory of the sections:

Valleywag: Silicon Valley news and gossip
Defamer: Hollywood gossip, entertainment news, movie coverage
Domesticity: Home, lifestyle, parenting
Morning After: Everything TV
Gawker Review of Books: Books and everything that's in books
True Stories: First-person accounts of real-life events
TKTK: Media news and power gossip
Justice: Politics, justice, labor, inequality
Internet: Internet culture, cybersecurity, dark web dealings (formerly "Weird Internet")

And the personal blogs:

The Vane: Dennis Mersereau's home for weather and weather media reporting
Fortress America: Adam Weinstein's security and politics blog
Dog: A dog, with a blog
Sausage: Behind the scenes in the Gawker editorial process, such as it exists
Antiviral: Jay Hathaway debunking, busting, and fact-checking the worst of the viral web

For more about this publishing structure, read here: