
Join our World Class Coaching Team

Written by RYA | 14 March 2013

Expressions of interest sought for Olympic and Paralympic Class coaches

The RYA is interested in receiving expressions of interest from coaches who would like to work on the RYA’s Olympic and/or Paralympic Programmes.  

Expressions of interest should be sent to the RYA Olympic Manager and should including the following:

1) The Class(es) you are interested in working with;

2) The key skills you believe you can bring to the role; and

3) Any other information you think is relevant in assisting the RYA to achieve its 2016 Olympic and Paralympic goals of dominating the top step of the Olympic and Paralympic podia.

The RYA is looking to appoint coaches with immediate effect, so please submit your expression of interest as soon as possible, and by 31 March 2013 at the latest, by sending an email to Stephen Park, RYA Olympic Manager at
