2.4mR sailor Megan Pascoe with Poole schoolchildren

2.4mR Worlds launches local schools initiative

Written by RYA | 04 July 2013

Megan Pascoe helps launch Poole schools scheme

A unique new educational initiative from the 2013 International 2.4 Metre class Open World Championships will give schoolchildren from across Poole the chance to get a revealing insight into what it takes to be a top class sailor next term.  

British Sailing Team star and Rio 2016 hopeful, Megan Pascoe, and Cllr Judy Butt, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Public Engagement and Participation, Borough of Poole, joined youngsters from three Poole schools as the new initiative was launched at The Poole Yacht Club, yesterday (Wednesday 3 July).  

The 2013 2.4mR Open World Championships – who’s tagline is ‘Where Everyone is Equal’ – are being hosted at The Poole YC in September, and to mark the event participating schools will explore the subjects of inclusivity and equality, plus expose the youngsters to sailing.  

The schools will have opportunities to do project work around the event, spending time at the club, taking part in lessons on related topics such as meteorology, physics, health and literature, and meeting competitors. Pupils will also get afloat to watch the racing up close.  

This is the first World Championship event to be staged at The Poole YC. The 2.4mR is the only class where able-bodied and disabled sailors, male and female, compete in the same boats on a level playing field. It is the Paralympic one-person boat and as well as Megan Pascoe, Britain’s London 2012 2.4mR gold medallist, Helena Lucas, will also compete in Poole.  

John Yonwin, The Poole YC’s 2.4mR Worlds event manager, said: “We are thrilled to be able to give so many local schoolchildren the chance to get involved with the event and discover not only what it takes to get to the very top in sailing, but also use all the practical elements of the sport to better understand things they are learning about in the classroom. Getting the Poole community involved in, and inspired by, the event is really important to us.”  

Cllr Judy Butt added: “Poole has a World Class reputation for sailing and watersports with over 100 water-based events and activities taking place in the Harbour each year. This event brings a unique international World Championship competition to Poole, with male and female, able-bodied and disabled, World Class competitors at the top of their game. After the thrill of the Olympic sailing events, this is another golden opportunity to inspire a new generation to get involved and take to the water.”  

Sally Pugh, class teacher in Post 16 at Montacute Special School said: "This is a fantastic opportunity for our students to be involved with a fully inclusive sporting activity alongside our local community. We have students who have experienced sailing in the harbour so to watch a competition on local waters, especially one that is unique in its equality for all, will be very exciting.”    

The schools involved in yesterday’s launch were Montacute Special School and Hamworthy First and Middle schools, while St Catherine’s School, Colehill is also confirmed as taking part in the initiative.  

Racing at the 2013 International 2.4 Metre class Open World Championships gets underway on Tuesday 10 September until Friday 13 September.

For more details visit www.24mworlds2013.co.uk or follow @24mRWorlds2013 on Twitter.
