Hrm... OKCupid...

I can't honestly tell if this is a brilliant message or a terrible one. Each message does reference a detail from my profile, for context. Tell me what you think, GT? » 3/31/15 12:38am Today 12:38am

Tom Bergeron, Janet Langhart and Boston 1980s talkshows

I have mentioned before Tom Bergeron was once a young host for Boston's old People Are Talking. He interviewed Rosanne Barr. » 3/30/15 11:31pm Yesterday 11:31pm

Dating app by/for women, contraceptives, egg freezing, fashion, affairs

60 Minutes and media's Africa problem. » 3/30/15 11:27pm Yesterday 11:27pm

Do you really want to end a marriage over sex?

My husband hurled this question at me as he attempted to shame me for being honest with him about a subject he really didn't want to be discussing. "When people ask why we divorced I'll say it's because you wanted to fuck other guys." This has been my life for the past month. » 3/30/15 10:23pm Yesterday 10:23pm

Just saw that The Dodo is hiring two editors and a writer

I am in no way affiliated with The Dodo but I know there are animal loving writers on GT. » 3/30/15 10:02pm Yesterday 10:02pm

Shitty Feet Relief!

So I suffer from a condition known to the medical community as Shitty Feet. I have made a huge effort to constantly wear supportive shoes but I had a lot of trouble finding many to try on in person and just am in pain all the time. » 3/30/15 9:57pm Yesterday 9:57pm

Another Moon Cup Convert

I swore I would never do it. I was never grossed out by Moon Cups, but I just never, ever thought it would work for me. (I also had no problem with tampons, as evidenced by this sonnet...) This is probably due to the fact that I once tried Insteads back in college, and that felt like I was getting fisted by the devil… » 3/30/15 9:54pm Yesterday 9:54pm

Flowers in the Shitpile

So I live in Indianapolis, the center of the ridiculous shitstorm caused by our moronic governor who seems to think he's on a Holy Errand. And the shit has been RAINING DOWN ON ALL SIDES, believe me — from conventions leaving or threatening, to concerts being cancelled (Wilco!), to companies putting a stop to… » 3/30/15 9:47pm Yesterday 9:47pm

Thread a'sploded

I deleted my last post because of my irrational fear of doxxing, but I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for your comments, feedback, and support. I am going to address the issue with the people in question the next time I see them. Thanks again, I love you GT peeps. » 3/30/15 9:30pm Yesterday 9:30pm