Age Ain't Nothing But A Bummer: While We're Young, Reviewed

1. Of all the criticisms my fellow Gen-Xers have of Millennials, there isn't one that cracks me up more than "they're too self-involved." This is freaking rich, coming from us. Being self-involved was our thing. We were the ones who were obsessed with authenticity, and "reality," and not "selling out," even though… » 3/26/15 5:10pm Yesterday 5:10pm

The Latest Run The Jewels Video Takes On Police Brutality

Every music video off Run The Jewels 2 has been so good and different. The new film for the Zack de la Rocha collab "Close Your Eyes (And Count to Fuck)" doesn't deviate from that assessment, but it's heavy and a hell of a lot more real than the rest. It makes sense, considering the video deals directly with the very… » 3/26/15 3:02pm Yesterday 3:02pm

Chocolate Is A Martial-Arts Classic If You Just Focus On The Kicking

So Chocolate is not Chocolat, the 2000 Johnny Depp/Juliet Binoche movie where people eat chocolate from a particular shop and it somehow makes them fall in love with each other. Chocolat is the sort of movie where you know it takes place in France because people speak English in French accents. It was nominated for a… » 3/26/15 2:55pm Yesterday 2:55pm

Michael Jackson's Moonwalk Is Old Enough To Be Somebody's Ornery Dad 

This day in 1983 was the taping of the Motown 25 TV special. It was a great night, with performances from Stevie Wonder, a reunion for the Supremes, and a rare TV appearance from Marvin Gaye. But it was also an important night, because it was witness to a huge transformation. It was the first time Michael Jackson ever… » 3/25/15 5:35pm Wednesday 5:35pm

Ebony And Agony: Get Hard, Reviewed

Despite how broad and silly they are, Will Ferrell's movies often have a stealth political side to them. When he works with his longtime creative partner, director and co-writer Adam McKay, he usually manages to address current events in a way that's pointed without being preachy. Everybody loves Anchorman because… » 3/25/15 4:20pm Wednesday 4:20pm

RIP Kroll Show, The Meta Sketch Comedy TV Needed

Last night was the series finale of Nick Kroll's Comedy Central series, Kroll Show. It was short but sweet—just three seasons of sketch comedy television parody. It took us into the alternate TV Universe of Nick Kroll's weird brand of comedy. It was a cable TV universe that is much like the one that exists in reality,… » 3/25/15 2:40pm Wednesday 2:40pm

This Fashion Writer Gives The Fewest Fucks

Earlier today, our Leslie Horn pointed the Deadspin staff to a short post by Vogue writer Lynn Yaeger on what it was like to wear a sweatshirt for the first time in her life. It begins as follows and improves from there: » 3/25/15 2:24pm Wednesday 2:24pm


Holy fuck! Holy Christ goddamn! That one guy from One Direction quit! The weed dealer looking one! That one that did that thing with the hair! YOU KNOW THE ONE. No, not Harry. You fucking asshole. The other one. THE HOT ONE. I know they're ALL hot ones, but Zach (Is that his name? Wait, his name is Zayn?)… » 3/25/15 1:30pm Wednesday 1:30pm

Local Beer Is Great, But Fresh Beer Is Better

I'm lukewarm on most traditional holidays, the ones that require shopping and showering and dancing around maypoles and/or respectful disbelief in the supernatural; some of these holidays come with ham and presents, but even then the risks can outweigh the rewards. I still consider myself a joyous, festive,… » 3/25/15 11:40am Wednesday 11:40am

Spring Breaker Starts Fight, Flees, Receives Karmic Comeuppance

It's hard to believe that the knob in this video, who embodies every spring break stereotype—neon tank top, bad sandals, dumb sunglasses, urging other bros to come at him while he backs away—is even real, but here we are. I won't spoil what happens, but get ready to wish you had been there to laugh in this guy's face. » 3/24/15 4:45pm Tuesday 4:45pm

What Would You Pick If You Had To Drink The Same Three Beers Forever?

Yesterday afternoon some kindly internet stranger asked me what local beers I recommend he stock up on during his next trip to my home state. I refused to answer him on the grounds that Massachusetts is no mere "state"—we are a proud commonwealth of men and women united by loyalty to our official bird (either a… » 3/24/15 2:15pm Tuesday 2:15pm

Pliny The Elder And Blind Pig: Trophy Beers Within Everyone's Grasp

First off, let me introduce myself: My name is Mike, and I have been given the dubious honor of being named Drunkspin's West Coast Beer Correspondent, which means that every now and then you'll see some writing on a beer that Will Gordon either can't get up in Massachusetts, or can't, like, get up in Massachusetts.… » 3/24/15 11:35am Tuesday 11:35am

Future Is The Hardest-Working Guy In Rap

Atlanta rapper Future hasn't slept much this year. He's put out three mixtapes since October, is currently working on another, and at this rate is Lil B-level prolific, but with more songs that actually make it in the pocket. You don't even have to like Future to appreciate the insanity of that level of output. » 3/23/15 5:34pm Monday 5:34pm

Commercial Shandies Are For Suckers. Drink This Beer Instead.

Beer is very useful. In just the past few days I have relied on beer to help me relate to my fellow man, to make college basketball interesting, and to wean me off my Tylenol PM addiction. Beer can also be used to liven up an otherwise limp pot of whatever-bean chili, to repair a dicey relationship with your mail… » 3/23/15 11:40am Monday 11:40am

I'm A Craft Addict: On The Pleasures Of Dragon Age: Inquisition

It's true: I could really use some elfroot. It's hard to find. Why is it so hard to find? Wait, is it hard to find? Have I just been looking in all the wrong places? Given its importance to this particular video game—you need elfroot for, like, every healing potion—I'd expect it to be more plentiful, the way ammo is… » 3/20/15 2:15pm 3/20/15 2:15pm

The Binds That Bind

You put your right foot in, you put your left leg through and you shake, shimmy and grunt it all about. No, we're not playing some fucked-up version of The Hokey Pokey; we're simply going through the arduous daily routine of putting on a chest binder. Squeezing our bodies through this tiny, Chinese-finger-trap-like… » 3/20/15 12:48pm 3/20/15 12:48pm

Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry Is Acidic B-Movie Nihilism Done Right

The car-chase movies of the '70s really only had one plot: Someone drives a muscle car really fast, hoping to avoid police cars, some of which end up driving into streams or ponds. But each movie found a vastly different way to tell that one story. Vanishing Point, the genre's real masterpiece, told it in mythic… » 3/20/15 10:35am 3/20/15 10:35am