New Printing Tech Allows the Blind to Touch Priceless Paintings

Walking into a museum and putting your hands on a priceless painting is normally, uh, frowned upon. But in Madrid right now, an unusual exhibit is inviting visitors to touch some of the most famous paintings in the world—so that the visually impaired can experience them, too. » 3/10/15 6:45pm Tuesday 6:45pm

Instead of drawing a line between those…

I can't understand these people always have 100 tabs open. Once I get over seven or eight tabs I split them up into windows by topic that I can then minimize. Otherwise I just feel like my browser is spinning out of control and WHO KNOWS what amazing tabs I'll lose. » 3/10/15 6:12pm Tuesday 6:12pm

Welcome to the Rural Town That Wants to Build a Hyperloop Utopia

What do cities look like in the world of Hyperloop transit? Will supersonic travel turn our cities into vast, intermodal suburbs? And what about the edge towns that once bled into the country, fed by car travel—will they empty out and decay, eliminated by a new form of transportation that bypasses them? » 3/02/15 11:20am 3/02/15 11:20am