When It Comes to Tech Dystopia, Portlandia Is Better Than Black Mirror

UK series Black Mirror is being lauded as the first show that really tells the truth about our dystopian tech destiny. But the best critique of technology in today's culture is not this science fiction import. For the most scathing commentary on the high-tech world we've designed for ourselves, you have to watch … » 3/20/15 6:30pm Friday 6:30pm

Only about 2000 babies have been born using cryogenic egg freezing

Egg freezing is about as hot as a women's reproductive topic can get. But it's also extremely rare: Only about 2000 humans currently populating the planet can thank this method for their existence. It's a number that's surprisingly low for a procedure that's being so heavily hyped by HR departments and fertility… » 3/20/15 6:00pm Friday 6:00pm

No Cars Will Be Allowed on This Stately New Bridge in Portland

It was 1973 the last time a new bridge opened over Portland's Willamette River: a double-decker span with eight lanes of freeway. Times have changed. When the Tilikum Crossing Bridge opens later this year, it will be one of the few in the U.S. that's purpose-built for transit, bikes and pedestrians—no cars allowed. » 3/18/15 7:40pm Wednesday 7:40pm

Would You Take the Bus If It Earned You Free Credits For Tolls?

There's a running joke in many American cities: The only way to make public transportation truly work would be to pay people to ride it. In Atlanta, that's kind of what a new pilot program is doing. For certain transit trips, passengers can now earn $2—but they can only use the money to pay tolls on a nearby highway.… » 3/18/15 6:40pm Wednesday 6:40pm

Our Cities Could Become High-Density Solar Power Plants

Solar energy has a dark side. Those gargantuan plants that sprawl out like deconstructed disco balls sacrifice valuable open space and put wildlife, and possibly human lives, at risk. A new study by Stanford researchers says that focusing our solar energy efforts in already-developed urban areas could yield more… » 3/17/15 5:35pm Tuesday 5:35pm

As the coworker Kate mentioned who used an app to get pregnant, I must say that now I am now SO conflicted. I had my baby eight weeks ago and right about now is when I'm supposed to start thinking about birth control. I think and believe that I can continue using Glow successfully as a pregnancy avoider but I was… » 2/05/15 12:06am 2/05/15 12:06am

The Best of Brian Barrett: Sponsored By The Veil As Gear 

Today, Gizmodo loses one of its greatest assets: Writer, cool dad, comedian, and editor emeritus Brian R. Barrett. His influence in shaping Gizmodo and its writers over the last half decade cannot be overstated. This is the best of Brian Barrett ('s posts on Gizmodo), as chosen by those who will be greatly saddened… » 1/30/15 1:22pm 1/30/15 1:22pm