Villanova Piccolo Player Appears On Fallon, Plays With The Roots

It's been a whirlwind weekend for crying Villanova piccolo player Roxanne Chalifoux, but her international stardom led to a few perks tonight as the emotion-stricken Pittsburgh-area native appeared on The Tonight Show—taking home some swag (including Taylor Swift tickets, which almost made her cry again) and sitting… » 3/23/15 11:57pm Monday 11:57pm

Did Bill Simmons Make A Fool Of Himself On WWE Raw?

Bill Simmons joined Snoop Dogg as a special guest on tonight's WWE Raw, and if that sounds like the dumbest thing in the world to you, you'd be right. Simmons didn't even take a bump, which is some weak bullshit. Even worse, it appears Simmons may have broken kayfabe by inquiring about the of-late absence of "the… » 3/23/15 9:58pm Monday 9:58pm

Challenge: Remain Emotionless While Watching This Ron Hunter Clip

Georgia State coach Ron Hunter wasn't able to lead his team past Xavier tonight, but he won't be quickly forgotten. Nor will his weepy opening statement in the postgame presser, which we challenge you to watch without becoming emotional yourself. » 3/21/15 8:46pm Saturday 8:46pm

Idiot Official Calls Bullshit Technical Foul On Ed Cooley

Providence coach Ed Cooley "earned" a technical foul late in the Friars' Round of 64 nightcap against Dayton in Columbus when his fiery timeout speech featured him tossing a chair to the floor. One official took offense—to equipment abuse, apparently—and charged Cooley with a technical foul, adding another Providence… » 3/21/15 1:00am Saturday 1:00am

Arkansas Bro Tries To Catch Home Run Ball In His Visor

With sixteen meaningful college basketball games on today, it's entirely understandable why someone would want to sit out in the rain watching SEC baseball. This Arkansas bro decided to do exactly that, and when an LSU homer headed his way, the gloveless guy took off his hat to catch the ball. Except he wasn't wearing… » 3/19/15 9:10pm 3/19/15 9:10pm