Posts from all blogs: international

Supporting the language and culture of our international headquarters

Twitter supports Seachtain na Gaeilge/Gaelic Week 2015.Read more…

Über 2.200 Museen aus 1.104 Städten in 64 Ländern - Start der internationalen #MuseumWeek

Heute startet die einwöchige #MuseumWeek, an der Museen aus über 1.100 Städten in 64 Ländern teilnehmen. Darunter auch rund 100 Häuser aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum.Read more…

Celebrating #TwitterFlock, our first UK mobile developer conference

More than 400 people came together together today for Twitter’s first UK’s mobile developer conference where they heard about how some of Europe’s leading app develops are succeeding with Twitter FabricRead more…

Now create hashtags in Indian languages on Twitter

With hashtags now supported in several Indian languages, users will be able to create unique trends.Read more…

Auf Jobsuche? Macht mit bei der ersten internationalen Twitter Jobmesse am 24. Februar 2015

Am 24. Februar 2015 findet die erste internationale Twitter Jobmesse statt und wir laden euch alle herzlich ein, mit führenden Personalverantwortlichen namhafter Unternehmen zum Thema Jobs und Jobsuche zu diskutieren.Read more…

Beta approvers for non-moderated languages

We’re introducing a new role to ensure the best quality of translations for non-moderated languages.Read more…

Lending a helping hand on #FridayforGood

A recap of our volunteer efforts around the world.Read more…

Join Twitter and Wikipedia for our first language hackathon

If you’re a language geek and like to hack on i18n and l10n, join us for our hackathon at Twitter HQ.Read more…

Get to know Twitter Translation Center’s community managers

Learn more about members of our team who make the content for translation available to our communities.Read more…

Twitter now available in five new languages

Twitter now supports Vietnamese, Bengali, Czech, Romanian and Ukrainian on, and Android and iOS apps.Read more…
