Enterprise level ecommerce

Tripp are known to many as they are the luggage brand retailed in Debenhams.

We have worked with them for years - producing "on brand" ecommerce sites for the UK and international market, mobile sites and Apps.

A highly professional retailer they have high expectations for their ecommerce site and expect the best in terms of features, functions and service from us. They keep us on our toes!

We believe the skills and experience gained and deployed to service a large retail client such as Tripp in turn benefit our smaller clients in niche sectors such as equestrian, snow sports, chandleries and so on.

tripp suitcase
Tripp home page
Tripp product page

Tripp Luggage

Our Zone1 ecommerce platform has been integrated with Tripp's back office system (Microsoft Dynamics) to ensure a joined up and efficient retail operation which handles thousands of product lines and stock across web, several warehouse locations, store locations and broader supply chain.

This highly efficient and automated system enables a small web team to manage a complex international ecommerce, logistics, fulfilment and warehouse operation.

Our communications have been immeasurably improved with the development and implementation of a new integrated ecommerce web design. Combining all our data sources has helped to bring down costs, provide increased data flexibility and improved customer services through enhanced digital marketing and promotional communications.

Zone1 has proven to be an excellent platform upon which to base Tripp's international expansion.

Zone1 has been 'flexed' and 'scaled' to enable Tripp to power a number of European ecommerce sites from a single backend content management system.

The team here have learnt a lot of the finer points of international ecommerce, the subtle cultural differences which exist in countries like Germany and Denmark in terms of payment preferences, payment methods and propensity to return items.

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Tripp on the go

In recent years we have produced mobile ecommerce sites and native apps.

We are evolving our ecommerce platform during Spring/Summer 2014 to a fully responsive ecommerce platform and Tripp are looking forward to this innovation from the team.

Retailing continues to evolve and we look forward to being at the vanguard with clients like Tripp coming to us to discuss new approaches and possibilities in this new multi-channel age.

View on Apple's App Store View on Google Play

tripp mobile

Our communications have been immeasurably improved.

Andrew Peake, Tripp

Fishpools are a large independent furniture retailer based in Waltham Cross and a leading member of the AIS Group.

This retailer had an experienced ecommerce team in place and very high levels of expectation in terms of what they wanted to achieve with a new ecommerce site from us.

This project was in many ways based on the client's desire to implement a true enterprise level ecommerce platform, packed full of the features leading ecommerce players expect. In addition to this they wanted to build a real relationship and partnership going forward which is now in place.

We were appointed in July 2013 and the site was delivered on time in December 2013 ready for launch ahead of the January 2014 sale.

Fishpools page

Fishpools Furniture

Furthermore this project was about multi-channel and our Zone1 ecommerce platform integrating with Fishpools in-store, back office retail management and account software provided by specialist retail software house G7Swan.

Iconography and G7Swan have worked together to produce a multi-channel retail management system called Retail Fusion and this is what we delivered for Fishpools.

Iconography took on and delivered against our very challenging brief. We have found them quick to respond to our many questions and requests since the new site went live in Decemeber 2013 and we have a positive and productive working relationship.

The integration has been a massive success and has led to real uplift in sales of big ticket items via the website and improved operational efficiency for the ecommerce team in terms of managing products and product options and getting web orders into their CRM and accounting system.

Zone1 is a real step change compared with their previous site. The smooth integration with G7Swan has enabled them to list and sell items which they couldn't with their previous site as it couldn't handle the complexity of options, price affecting options etc. associated with furniture retail.

The Fishpools project saw us modify our Zone1 ecommerce platform to cater for the specific needs of furniture retailing online. We put a lot of work in to the postage and delivery area and into the effective selling of made to order furniture online.

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Fishpools mobile

Fishpools wanted a highly engaging and fast mobile version of their website which we delivered as part of this project.

We are in the process of evolving Zone1 into a fully responsive ecommerce platform during Spring/Summer 2014 and look forward to offering a responsive ecommerce option to clients later in the year.

We think Zone1 is now a superb solution for furniture retailers and look forward to developing our expertise and client base in this sector.

fishpools mobile

In 2010 we were approached by this new Ecco franchise store to pitch for their new ecommerce site.

This was their first foray into ecommerce and whilst they had a clear idea of how to deliver the Ecco brand online, they had little idea about what to look for and expect from an ecommerce platform.

We discussed their objectives and showed David and Emma our Zone1 ecommerce platform, with it's easy to use content management system and sophisticated product catalogue, flexible promotions, search engine optimisation features, order processing, CRM and business reporting tools.

The rest as they say is...

ecco shoe
Ecco home page
Ecco product page

ECCO Shoes

The relationship has flourished over the last four years and continues to go from strength to strength.

Iconography look after all aspects of Ecco's online marketing and multi-channel activity and provide on-going SEO, PPC, Marketplace management and strategic advice as this ambitious couple continue to grow their online business and achieve their goal of being the destination for Ecco shoes online in the UK.

Iconography are a true partner to our business. We value their ecommerce expertise which has helped us understand and respond to the challenges of online retailing and move ahead of our more established competitors.

Iconography offer far more than ecommerce design and build services. Via our Agency Plus package we help our clients achieve their online business goals. Our experience and insight into the discipline of online retailing drives our client's ecommerce operations forward in a measured and meaningful way - month in, month out.

Zone1 has proven to be an excellent and flexible ecommerce platform for shoe retailing - for dedicated brand specialists such as Ecco and also retailers with a mix of clothing and footwear products such as department stores, country stores and equestrian retailers.

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