RYA Active Marina Experience comes to Beaulieu Boatjumble 

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In partnership with Practical Boat Owner (PBO), the RYA Active Marina Experience will be at the Beaulieu Boatjumble (26 April 2015) for the first time ever as part of the new ‘Ask the Experts Live’ attraction.  

Free practical presentations and demonstrations will be running throughout the day in the ‘Ask the Experts Live’ marquee and visitors will have the chance to quiz the experts with all their boating questions. The ‘Ask the Experts Live’ marquee can be found adjacent to the entrance of the boatjumble.  

Workshops include a Cruising Clinic with an update on the new RYA Safetrx App from RYA Cruising Manager Stuart Carruthers, advice on how to ‘sail greener’ with RYA Green Blue Development Officer Kate Fortnam and a life raft demonstration from Ocean Safety.  

Find a full list of workshops and the schedules.  

As well as the workshops, PBO will be showcasing their Project Boat, Hantu Biru. The Snapdragon 23 was bought as a wreck on eBay and beautifully restored over two-and-a-half years.

Guy Malpas, RYA Yachting Development Officer said: “We are delighted to be involved with this project which builds on the success of PBO magazine’s ‘Ask the Expert’ pages and the Active Marina Experience with the first ever ‘Ask the Experts Live’ attraction at Beaulieu Boatjumble.  

“There are fantastic workshops lined up with everything from lifejacket servicing to radar tips and engine maintenance to fibreglass skills.  Visitors can also test their knot tying skills in the RYA knot wall challenge.”  

PBO are offering the first 30 people who pre-book and attend a workshop a free pack of PBO ‘Free Anchorage’ playing cards. To pre book your place go to the Active Marina Experience Beaulieu Boatjumble page at www.rya.org.uk/go/activemarina Please note that you are also able to turn up on the day.  

Entry to Beaulieu Boatjumble requires a valid ticket. Quote PBOMag15 to get a 15% discount on advance Boat jumble tickets (offer valid to 19 April 2015).

For information on ticket purchases, directions and a plan of the Boatjumble visit the Beaulieu Boatjumble website.  

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Article Published: March 20, 2015 15:19


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