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'Peel Off' Program Speeding Up Cargo Through Port of Los Angeles

A new program that expedites cargo by streamlining container moves is speeding up operations at the Port of Los Angeles. Launched February 25, the "Peel Off" Program has added a new operational model to the Port to clear the current backlog of containers and improve the flow of cargo going forward.

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With Labor Dispute Resolved, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and Long Beach Mayor Robert Garcia Pledge New Levels of Cooperation Between Ports and Supply Chain Stakeholders

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and Long Beach Mayor Robert Garcia thanked the International Longshore Workers Union and the Pacific Maritime Association for heeding their call to resolve the labor dispute, and announced plans for the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach to collaborate on a series of initiatives designed to meet the changing dynamics of seaborne trade and the impacts of those changes on cargo flow through the nation’s largest trade gateway.

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Port of Los Angeles Launches Live Streaming on the LA Waterfront

Want to know what's happening right here, right now, on the LA Waterfront? Now you can virtually visit us with a LIVE view of the Los Angeles Main Channel. Watch cargo move, see vessels and tugs come and go, and even catch a glimpse of sea life -- all without leaving your seat. Click play anytime during the day or night; the view of the illuminated Vincent Thomas Bridge is not to be missed!

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LA Waterfront

Mayor Garcetti Appoints Citywide Panel to Guide LA Waterfront Development Strategy

Mayor Garcetti has announced the formation of a high-level city task force that will be responsible for advising him on an integrated community development strategy for the LA Waterfront at the Port of Los Angeles.

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Revised Public Access Investment Plan Approved by Harbor Commission

After a series of public meetings and extensive community input, on February 19, 2015, the Port of Los Angeles approved a Public Access Investment Plan, intended to create a sustainable and predictable approach to the Port’s yearly investment in non-cargo related, public-serving projects and programs.

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Ports O' Call Village

Feasibility Study on Ports O' Call Village Released

The Financial Feasibility Analysis for the proposed Ports O’ Call redevelopment commissioned by the Port earlier this year is now available for public review.  The study analyzed the size, scope and elements of a development concept presented by the LA Waterfront Alliance (developer) and provides project size and scope recommendations to enhance the performance of the proposed project.  To review the report, click here.

Waterfront Parking

Port Analyzes Waterfront Parking in San Pedro

Desman Associates completed the San Pedro Waterfront at the Port of Los Angeles Comprehensive Parking Strategy on behalf of the Port of Los Angeles in December 2014. The report provides an inventory of existing parking spaces, estimates future parking demand based on anticipated waterfront improvements, and outlines a strategy to accommodate future parking demand. To review the report, click here.

Sampson Way Realignment

Port of Los Angeles Moves Forward with Design to Realign Sampson Way

The proposed expansion of Sampson Way into a scenic boulevard along the west perimeter of Ports O’Call Village, and the creation of an extensive network of public promenades, bikeways, and Coastal Trail connections will facilitate public access throughout the waterfront area to better connect the waterfront with downtown San Pedro and the surrounding community.

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Next Harbor Commission Meeting

Upcoming Meeting Notices

Regular Board Meeting
Thursday, March 19, 2015

8:30 a.m. (view agenda)
Port of Los Angeles Administration Building
425 Palos Verdes Street
San Pedro, CA 90731

Audit Committee Meeting
Thursday, March 19, 2015

No sooner than 10:00 a.m. (view agenda)
(immediately following the adjournment
of the Regular Board Meeting at 8:30 a.m.)
Port of Los Angeles Administration Building
425 Palos Verdes Street
San Pedro, CA 90731

For upcoming Committee Meetings, please click here

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