What Is the Most Horrible Technology Sound?

Technology is amazing, until it starts generating noises that make you want to lock yourself inside a Faraday cage time machine and zip back to the Stone Age. Dot matrix printers. A phone buzzing on your upstairs neighbor's floor. The default Android alarm. That stupid marimba ringtone. What is the most horrible sound… » 3/11/15 5:41pm 3/11/15 5:41pm

Google's New Chromebook Pixel: Dangerously Close to Buyable

Google's original Chromebook Pixel was a beautiful, wonderful laptop. It was also absurdly expensive—so pricey that it became a tech nerd joke. Now Google's following it up with the Pixel 2, and surprise: it's better, cheaper, and dangerously close to buyable. » 3/11/15 2:00pm 3/11/15 2:00pm

The New MacBook Isn't What You Think

Apple's new MacBook is slick and svelte. It only weighs two pounds! But before you get too excited about how well this tiny (gold) laptop might fit into your life, you should know a little bit about its brains. This is not a retina MacBook Air. » 3/09/15 5:45pm 3/09/15 5:45pm

The Best Smartwatches That Aren't the Apple Watch

The Apple Watch is finally coming. It touches down on April 24th. But what makes it so special? Well...not a whole lot except for the fact that it works with an iPhone and is made by Apple, as Mark Wilson very succinctly points out at Co.Design. Here's everything else that's already out there, and already fantastic. » 3/09/15 4:31pm 3/09/15 4:31pm

Virtual Reality Is Happening, But Like For Real This Time

Virtual reality is a lot like the flying car: It's always juuuust a few years off. But recently—just this week—the VR hype has reached a fever pitch. And let me tell you this is no Virtual Boy bullshit. When we look back at the past through rose-colored VR headsets, we'll see that this is the moment it took off. » 3/06/15 10:10am 3/06/15 10:10am

Sony's Project Morpheus Headset Will Go On Sale In 2016

At Mobile World Congress this weekend, HTC and Valve threw down the virtual reality gauntlet; their VR is shipping this year. Now, it looks like Sony is following as fast as it can. It's shipping its Project Morpheus and bring the PS4 into VR-land in the first half of 2016. » 3/03/15 6:25pm 3/03/15 6:25pm