Great recruiting
requires effort

(It doesn’t have to be painful, though)

Before starting Greenhouse, I spent a couple months traveling around the country, talking with CEOs about the things that kept them up at night.

Recruiting was #1 on everyone's list. And the thing that struck me was that these folks knew how to fix the hiring problems that were hurting their companies. They just needed help implementing best practices and scaling them quickly.

So I launched Greenhouse with a single goal: Make companies great at hiring. The response has been phenomenal. As more and more organizations have moved to Greenhouse, insurmountable recruiting bottlenecks have vanished, and hiring departments have become the well-oiled machines they always knew they could be.

At Greenhouse, we have one yardstick: “Are we fixing the problem?”

To answer that question, I continue to travel around the country, talking with the CEOs of companies using Greenhouse. Like all good leaders, they still have things that keep them up at night. Happily, recruiting is no longer one of them.

To me, that's a dream come true.

Daniel Chait,