Thumbtack_OfficeThumbtack’s leadership knows that effective recruiting means that the entire company is involved. The founding team makes recruiting a core responsibility of Thumbtack employees by setting goals for each team and individual at the company. They have also run effective employee referral programs, including a recent competition that sent the winner on a vacation to anywhere in the world.

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Employee-Referral-10-TacticsIf you flipped through our ebook on How to Build A Strong Employee Referral Program, you’re probably well-versed on the positive impact a successful program can have on your recruiting efforts. However, we know the trickiest part is getting employees to submit those referrals.

We’ve rounded up 10 tactics that will help motivate your colleagues to submit an employee referral.

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It’s the beginning of a new year - odds are, you have a few job reqs to fill. You may already know that employee referrals are the #1 source of new hire quality - with high retention rates, engagement, and performance - but like many others, you’ve had trouble getting your employee referral program off the ground.

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Kes Thygesen

This is a guest blog post by Kes Thygesen, the founder of RolePoint, Greenhouse's newest partner.

RolePoint is software that helps companies generate employee referrals through a combination of financial, social, and altruistic motivators. 

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 spark-750x450In a recent conversation with several talent acquisition leaders, I was surprised to hear the challenges of generating referrals. These companies offer up to $5,000 for a qualified candidate, yet it takes more than a desirable referral bonus to incentivize employees to tap into their networks. You can tell employees that they can submit referrals, but what they need to hear is should. And that’s a message that needs to be coming from above.

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Referrals are consistently proven to be the best source "talent leads". They usually cost less, perform better, and generally stay longer. Companies who garner more referrals consistently hire better talent and out-perform their competition. Building a great referral culture doesn’t have to rely on monetary incentives. Here are 5 ways to build a referral culture without cash.

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employee_referral_best_practicesI recently wrote a post about fixing your employee referral program.

Well, those of you in the know, know that Dr. John Sullivan is kind of "the man" on this stuff. He wrote a couple pieces on a while ago that capture the range of best practices around employee referral programs. You need to read these if you're serious about referrals.

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3_Ways_to_Get_Better_Employee_ReferralsOf all the ways to get candidates, the ones you get from referrals are higher quality, cost less to find, and perform better over time than any other type of hire. So I've spent a lot of time thinking about how to consistently generate more referrals. But here's the thing:

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