Bembridge Sailing Club

Embankment Road, Bembridge,

Isle of Wight PO35 5NR

Tel: 01983 872237 (Club Manager), 01983 872686 (Bar & Catering), 01983 874950 (Fax)


 This was the Club website from 11th of June 1997 to 16:00 12th of April 2013. Although parts (weekly report, photos & the weekly sailing report) will be updated weekly for the time being, it is primarily an archive site.

Welcome to the old Bembridge Sailing Club Web site; it was kept very simple and was intended to provide members with a useful source of up to date information. If you can't see a tiled menu then please check that your browser accepts javascript.

2014 Club Sailing & Social Programme - although you will need to visit the new Club website for updates or amendments if you click here you can view/download the Year Book programme.




Members Area & On-Line Bookings

To access the Members area at the bottom of the page, use the shortened christian name of the ex-Sailing Secretary (lower case) as the User Name, and the year the Club was founded as the Password. This area includes membership application forms, subscription details and some sections of the 2013 Year Book and the 2012 version of Club Rules. The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are now a bit out of date. It also now includes the WightLink Booking link (see below).

On-Line Social Events Bookings - no longer available (16 Sep) so please phone or e-mail the office to make any bookings.

WightLink Tickets - to book on-line at the Club discounted price (car & driver £29.50 each way) you will need to go through the Wightlink link that you will find in the "Links" menu above NB: the discounted price is only available when there is "concession" space available. You WILL be required to show proof of membership when they collect your tickets; your Club Account card is sufficient.

Red Funnel (Southampton - Cowes or Cowes - Southampton) - obtain a 10% discount by booking through the "Red Funnel" link you will find under the "Links" menu above. Note that the 10% reduction is automatically applied to the fares (each way) you will be offered.

In Memoriam

It is with great sadness that we have to announce that Heather Sloley died peacefully at home on Monday 9th February. She was 94 and was a Life Member. There will be a Thanksgiving Service at 3.30pm on Friday 27th February at Holy Trinity, Bembridge. Family flowers only. Donations if desired to PDSA through Weaver Bros Ltd, Lane End, Bembridge (01983 872598).

And afterwards at BSC.


Although no longer a member, it is with sadness that we have to announce that John Green (Commodore 1977 - 78) died on 14th February.

It is also with great sadness we have to announce that Colin Winser died in the early hours of Sunday morning, 22nd February after a short illness. He was in his early 80's. He was a Life Member of the Club and had been a member for 28 years.

The family will be having a private funeral. Details of a Memorial service will be advised when they become available.

News Update - 21st & 22nd February 2015

A reasonable number for Friday evening supper (NB: main course comes with a free glass of wine!); otherwise pretty quiet except for when the Illusionists came in after racing! Congratulations to Mark Downer who won the Match Racing trophy; after a 2 year break it was great to see a full house of 16 sailors competing on Saturday. Sunday's weather was horrible but yet again the Illusion's demonstrated their ability to race in very marginal conditions. To view the Yachts & Yachting Match Racing (21st & 22nd February) Report click here.

Although included as attachments to the February e-News, the Course Booklet and supporting applications forms for this summer can be downloaded via the Sailing Menu.

In the News

RYA Southern Region Monthly Newsletter - to read the monthly Newsletter (February) click here.

Op Kraken - to read the Op Kraken Summer Newsletter (April to June) click here.

"Bembridge Breeze" - to read the Autumn/Winter 2014 edition of "Bembridge Breeze" - the Harbour Authority's bi-annual magazine - click Bembridge Breeze.

On the water ... - to read the February 2015 edition of "On the water ..." - the Harbour Authority's monthly Newsletter - click here.

Bembridge Harbour - LNTM (1/2015) which supercedes 1/2014 provides general guidence and should be read by all harbour users. LNTM (2/2014) provides navigational information & LNTM (3/2014) advises of the trot mooring anchors.

RYA "Partner" - we are an RYA "Partner" and will earn commission on any books ordered through the RYA web-shop; also on new RYA membership. To order or to become a member click here.

Useful Information/Reminders

Minutes of the 2014 AGM. - will be available on the new website idc.

"Conversations with Cavendish Morton" - to place an order for Bella Janson's beautiful book either put you name on the list in the office or click here. To read Bella's lovely eulogy at Cavy's funeral on 17th February click here.

Mike Samuelson e-Mail - for race management, VHF, CRO, 1st Aid courses & CEVNI remains - many thanks.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - although designed primarily for new members, they cover a wide range of topics and will hopefully be of use to all members. Click here to download a copy

Solar Energy Project - fitting of the bank of solar panels (a 13.32 kWp system) on the road side of the Dining Room roof was completed on 21st June 2011; so far (30th March 2014) 34,527 kW have been generated. An increase of 1,918 kw from when last read on 3rd November 2013.

Itchenor Weekend - 7th & 8th June 2014 - click here to view some photos of the weekend. To see the excellent photos taken by Mary Pudsey (Itchenor SC) of Saturday afternoon's harbour race click here. And finally, for a selection of Chris Andreae's photos click here.

MOCRA Bembridge Regatta 2014 (Saturday - Sunday 20th & 21st September 2014) - to view some photos of the racing click here.

Barts Bash 2014 (Sunday 21st September) - to view some photos by a selection of photographers, click here.


Recent Photos - by a variety of photographers

Almost perfect match racing conditions on Saturday - Saturday 21st Feb - photo by Mike

Jonathan Nainby-Luxmoore having to repair his steering between races - Saturday 21st Feb - photo by Mike

Mark Downer & Colin Simonds during their pre-start on Saturday - Saturday 21st Feb - photo by Mike

Xander Shaw ahead of Rupert Holmes in their first quarter final race - Sunday 22nd Feb - photo by Mike

Mark Downer and Mark Lees starting with Colin Simonds entering the pre-start area - Sunday 22nd Feb - photo by Mike

Julia Bailey (3rd), Mark Downer (1st) & Rupert Holmes (2nd) - Sunday 22nd Feb - photo by Mike

A new "All Occasion" Card of our Paul Maze Painting. Order through the office (£1.50)

Another new "All Occasion" of Colonel's Hard by Cavy Morton. Order though the office (£1.50)




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Obituary 2014

Rupert Gosling - 21 February 2014
Coreen Blackham - 27 February 2014
[Esther Salmon - 31st March 2014]
[Kate Van der Werff - 5th April 2014]
Alan Morgan - 7 June 2014
[Air Commodore Dick Wirdnam - 10 June 2014]
Harry Porter - 20th August 2014
Peter Donnelly - 7th September 2014
[Jo Pascall - 11th September 2014]
[Brian Mulcahy - 13th September 2014]
Ken Samuelson - 26th September 2014
[Jill Cutting - 15th? November 2014]
Alan Walker - 27th December 2014
Freddie Maslen - 30th December 2014
Cavendish Morton - 30th January 2015
Heather Sloley - 9th February 2015
[John Green - 14th February 2015]
Colin Winser - 22nd February 2015

For non-sailing/non-training business:

For race management & miscellaneous courses:

For sailing & powerboat training (including all BSDC courses & training):

Copyright © 1997 - Mike Samuelson
This Home Page was created by WebEdit, 11 June 1997 & updated using DHTML Menu on 31 January 2006
Google Analytics added 23 January 2009
Most recent revision 23rd February 2015

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