Marine Protected Areas in the UK

The JNCC MPA mapper is an interactive resource containing information on the marine protected areas (MPAs) designated in UK waters. Further information on these sites can be found on the JNCC Marine Protected Areas page.

The Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) provides scientific advice on MPAs in offshore waters (beyond 12 miles from the coast). Along with MPA boundaries for all MPAs, the mapper includes information regarding the distribution of the protected features for offshore MPAs. This will continually be updated and made available for download as part of JNCC's work to pursue Open Government Licence arrangements for offshore data.

If a layer can be downloaded, a green button with an arrow will be present next to the layer name. In due course a downloads page will be created. Layers from MPA mapper can be viewed on other web mapping portals or desktop GIS systems using Web Map Service (WMS). Help with using the various tools can be found on the MPA mapper help page and FAQs.

Marine Protected Areas

SACs with Marine Components  

  SACs with marine components Help Download layer

SPAs with Marine Components  

  SPAs with Marine Components Help Download layer

Marine Conservation Zones  

  Marine Conservation Zones Help Download layer

Nature Conservation Marine Protected Areas  

  Nature Conservation Marine Protected Areas Help Download layer

Marine Nature Reserves  

  Marine Nature Reserves Help  


  OSPAR MPAs Help  

Annex I Habitats


  Potential Reef Help Download layer

Sandbanks slightly covered by seawater all the time  

  Sandbank Range Help Download layer
  Sandbank Area Help Download layer

Submarine structures made by leaking gases  

  Submarine structures made by leaking gases Help Download layer
  Fluid Seeps Help Download layer


Administration boundaries  

  12nm territorial seas limit Help  
  UK Exclusive Economic Zone Help  
  UK Continental Shelf designated area Help  

MPA project areas  

  Secretary of State waters Help  
  Welsh territorial waters Help  
  Scottish waters Help  
  Northern Irish territorial waters Help  

Offshore SAC survey data

Still images  

  Still images Help  

Grab samples  

  Grab samples Help  

Multibeam data  

  Multibeam Echosounder imagery Help  

Habitat Map  

  Site-specific habitat maps (EUNIS) Help  

Enter part of a name to search on - and matches will automatically be displayed.
Pick one and the map will centre and zoom on it.

Add filters on map layers.

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