Introducing young people to opportunities

Our Prince’s Trust programmes

At UKSA, we run three Prince’s Trust programmes.

TEAM is a 12-week programme run in conjunction with YMCA Isle of Wight which gets local young people involved in community projects. It involves work experience, a five-day residential at UKSA, and help with preparing for work and producing a CV. Team is free, looks great on CVs, and, the unemployed will be pleased to know, doesn’t affect Jobseeker’s Allowance. UKSA is unique in offering a residential sailing experience on this Prince’s Trust programme. The course gives unemployed 16-to-25 year olds the skills and confidence to find a job. More than 160,000 people from across the UK have taken part in Team since it was launched in 1990 – but this is the first time a residential sailing element has been introduced. Team includes the residential, a community project, two weeks of work experience, and opportunities to produce or improve a CV.

Get Into Maritime/Watersports is a five-day residential programme. It introduces young NEETS (Not in Education, Employment or Training) to maritime jobs and opportunities.

We also run the Get Started programme, which is a short, inspiring, course that can help you move forward with your life after having a go at some fun activities. It is for unemployed 16-25 year olds. You will receive 1:1 support to help you think about what you want to do after the course.

All courses are free, subject to successful selection. Please contact the Youth Development team on 01983 294941 for more information.