The National Citizen Service (NCS) on the Isle of Wight is being delivered by UKSA, in partnership with The Football League Trust.

We are currently accepting applications for our Autumn programme which will be running during the October half term (23rd October – 1st November, with an additional weekend on the 7th November).


What does it involve?

NCS is run three times a year throughout the year (Autumn, Spring and Summer). Each programme kicks off with an away residential where young people take part in adrenaline fuelled activities whilst developing the leadership and team working skills that make people more employable.

Next, closer to home, participants will learn important life skills such as budgeting and first aid whilst experiencing a taste of independent living.

The young people will then be tasked with planning and delivering a community project that has a lasting impact on their local area.

Joe Staunton, UKSA’s NCS Co-Ordinator, said: “This programme fits perfectly with UKSA as it’s an extension of the type of work we already do with young people, easing that all-important transition from their school days to working life.

“We are hugely excited to be offering this opportunity and we welcome enquires from young people interested in spreading their wings and doing something different and memorable with their summer holidays.”

NCS has been running since 2011, with over 130,000 young people taking the opportunity to fast track their future with the programme.

How much will it cost?

Thanks to government funding, the most NCS will ever cost a participant is £50 (£35 for the Autumn programme). The actual cost is over £1,300. With only one wave this Autumn, make sure you sign up early to avoid disappointment.

How do I sign up?

To sign up contact Joe on or phone him on 01983 294941.​

To find out more about NCS, go to the NCS website