RYA Sailing Course availability, discounts and offers

RYA Day Skipper Sailing Course availability, discounts and offers in Antigua, Caribbean

Current Scheduled Courses with Availability:

downloadClick here for an overview of all course availability

RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Ocean

RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Ocean

RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Ocean

RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Ocean

Period including Christmas & New Years Day
Courses Commencing during November through March
Courses Commencing during April through October
CP13 2,490.00 2,045.00 1,815.00
CP14 1,895.00 1,745.00 1,515.00
MT7 1,555.00 1,195.00 1,015.00

RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Ocean
# Course reference numbers:
Yachtmaster Ocean CLASS THEORY: CP13
Yachtmaster Ocean ONLINE THEORY: CP14
600 Mile Ocean Passage: MT7

This is a 2 week package for students seeking to achieve the highest level of RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Ocean for global skippering.

It combines the RYA Yachtmaster Ocean shore based course with a 5 day non stop 600 mile Ocean Passage designed to provide the opportunity to (a) record the necessary qualifying passage and (b) take astro navigation sights and calculate results.

Independent examination is not included. Please see Yachtmaster Ocean Examinations for details

The package comprises:

RYA Yachtmaster Ocean shore based – Theory Course1

600 Mile Passage – 5 days non-stop

Note 1
These courses are normally optionally available as personal “face to face” tuition in our waterfront classroom, or as an Online Home Study Course delivered by Navathome through Miramar Sailing School. However, such is the importance to us of our students achieving success under examination, we prefer to coach them through their Yachtmaster Theory training personally.

Course Package Cost - Inclusions are the same as for courses booked individually.

Supplementary Courses
If you wish to include any Supplementary Courses in your package please contact us for details.

Recommended Pre-Course Study
We recommend

  • “RYA –Astro Navigation Handbook”
  • Please see our Online Store for these and other reading materials plus clothing and travel accessories.

Availability see right →

  • We believe that flexibility is key if we are to deliver what you want, when you want it.
  • Course schedules are established on a demand basis subject to bookings received. Current scheduled courses with availability are shown
  • Let us know your time frame and we will do our utmost to fit you in. We do have 3 yachts and 3 instructors!

Accommodation: We offer residential and off site accommodation deals.

Flights: We maintain a watch on special flight deals.