
We produce a number of books, magazines, reports, informational guides and cd-roms. Many are available to download, and a number of these are exclusive or significantly discounted to our members.

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Publication Category

Please select a category and date before searching for publications.

BMF Membership Application Form

BMF Membership Application Form

Contact: BMF Membership
Price to BMF Members: Free
Price to Non BMF Members: Free

15-02-03 Hovercraft Code of Practice Formal consultation version v1

15-02-03 Hovercraft Code of Practice Formal consultation version v1 for industry comments

Contact: BMF Technical
Price to BMF Members: Free
Price to Non BMF Members: Free
Exclusive to BMF members

Marina Developments - February 2015

Latest Marina & Harbour Developments in the UK

Contact: BMF Environment & Boating Facilities
Price to BMF Members: Free
Exclusive to BMF members

Industry Trends Results For June 2014 to November 2014

This survey is conducted twice a year in order to monitor marine industry performance across the UK leisure, superyacht and small commercial marine industry. This survey was undertaken in November 2014, was completed by 321 BMF members (25% response rate of those receiving the survey) and is published as an aid to the industry in forecasting and planning for future months.

Contact: BMF Market Research
Price to BMF Members: Free
Exclusive to BMF members

BMF Manifesto Additional Briefing Document

The BMF Manifesto is a policy tool to assist BMF staff and the membership in promoting the industry and its issues/needs to political stakeholders (e.g. MPs, Peers and Government) in the run up to the 2015 General Election and beyond.

Contact: Brian Clark
Price to BMF Members: Free
BMF KPI Report

Key Performance Indicators of the Leisure Superyacht and Small Commercial Marine Industry 2013-14

This annual report, published in January 2015, provides economic data on the leisure, superyacht and small commercial marine industry. The report includes revenue, value added, international trade and employment. It contains essential reference data on the UK marine industry for BMF members and affiliate organisations, the media, Government and key stakeholders.

Contact: BMF Statistics and Market Research
Price to BMF Members: Free
Price to Non BMF Members: Free
Exclusive to BMF members

Bill of Sale 2014

Contact: BMF Legal Department
Price to BMF Members: Free
BMF Technical Report
Exclusive to BMF members

BMF Technical Report 111

Technical Report including manufacturing and environment updates. The British Marine Federation providing industry guidance.

Contact: BMF Technical Department
Price to BMF Members: Free
Exclusive to BMF members

Draft ISO 15085 Man overboard prevention and recovery

Draft ISO 15085 Man overboard prevention and recovery for stakeholder comments - submissions by 15-03-15

Contact: R Wombwell
Price to BMF Members: Free
Exclusive to BMF members

Flood Awareness and Key Actions

The Environment Agency has put together key advice for BMF members on flood awareness.

Price to BMF Members: Free
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