Overseas Business Risk Service

Overseas Business Risk is a service run jointly by UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) and the Foreign & Commonwealth Office. The OBR website offers country specific advice to British companies to help them manage political and reputational risks when operating overseas.

The service was launched on 12 July 2011. The direction of the service is steered by an Advisory Group made up of voices from business and key government departments. The Advisory Group is chaired by Michael Shipster, International Director of Rolls Royce.

Overseas Business Risk provides regularly-updated thematic market profiles for 90 markets across the world and also provides information on risks around cyber crime, corruption, bribery and theft of intellectual property. It provides, in one place, links to authoritative information from across Government.

The information comes from diplomatic missions all over the world and also other parts of government including SOCA, the Serious Organised Crime Agency.


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