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Freya Hayes 

My sailing this Summer 

Hello Bob

I wanted to tell you about my sailing this Summer. I was lucky enough this Summer to be able to take part in the Youth Week that is run at my local Yacht club in my home town of Lymington. It took place after the Hurricane Bertha blew through the south coast on the Sunday before Youth Week, and the sea was rather choppy on Monday and Tuesday but we still got to go sailing!

I was on a Scow crewing with two other girls which I did not know at the beginning of the week, but by the end of the week we had become good friends. It was very exciting sailing and when we were sailing in our races I had to do a lot of bailing, which was great fun. None of the Youth Week would have been possible without firstly my Mum paying my entrance fee and all the brilliant volunteers that helped out all week that made it happen. I had the best week ever, and I can't wait for next year's.

Freya Hayes

I hope you like the picture I have attached showing me and my crew mates Madeleine and Fenella our helm. All three of us were aged 13 and under.

I love receiving Ahoy there and I have kept my copies as there are some really useful pieces of information in them.

All the Best

Freya Hayes (Aged 9)