Mandatory equipment for Class XII Vessels 

It is compulsory for Class XII vessels to carry Life-Saving Appliances and Fire Protection equipment.

Class XII vessels are pleasure vessels of 13.7m (approximately 45ft) in [registered*] length and over.  

* if a boat is registered this will be the length as shown on the certificate of registry. If a boat is not registered, length is measured from the forepart of the stem to the aft side of the head of the stern post or, if no stern post is fitted the fore side of the rudder stock at the point where the rudder passes out of the hull.

Class XII vessels are required to comply either with the Merchant Shipping (Fire Protection: Small Craft) Regulations 1998 and the Merchant Shipping (Life-Saving Appliances For Ships Other Than Ships Of Classes III To VI(A)) Regulations 1999 or with the agreed equivalent standards as detailed in the Exemption in relation to Life-Saving Appliances on Class XII vessels and the Exemption in relation to Fire Protection on Class XII vessels.

The exemptions are published by the MCA in their “Information on the regulations applicable to pleasure vessels” leaflet. The RYA has created a summary of the exemptions which is provided in the downloads area.  

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Article Published: November 25, 2011 11:39

Article Updated: September 03, 2013 10:38


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