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Automated Website Links Not Working

City of Keller Economic Development
asked this on July 11, 2014, 23:13

Ok, in my publication, anytime I have had a website listed, as long as I put the full address with www in front of it, issue automatically picked up with links. I just uploaded a publication today, and all the websites are not linking like they should. 

I can still edit the publication and manually add them, but the whole point of putting the entire address in the publication was so it would do it for me. 

Anyone have the same problem/have any idea why it's not working? And will it be fixed?


Comments latest first

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WNC Homes & Real Estate

By now you folks must have realized there is no "fix". ISSUU has decided to start charging for this service. Didn't get the notification about the change? That's because there was no notification. That's because there is no customer service and no communication with customers.

November 3, 2014, 21:49
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Cathy Cleary Art Director

I am extremely disappointed that paid features, such as the one to automatically detect links, formerly included at the paid 'Plus' level suddenly require a further upgrade and more money. This just smacks of "bait & switch". Whomever at your company thought this was a good idea, needs to take a lesson in how to treat customers fairly.

October 28, 2014, 13:49
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Living Along theThames

I had this feature also before and now I notice that they have made it only available to premium members, why do ISSUU keep changing the rules of Customers who pre bought their package as a form of loyalty and now feel like getting less and less for the original paid, which at the time was the top package. DISGUSTED!! - I think I will look for an alternative at the end of my time as I have lost more than I gained and I have been with you since the early days.  I have this as a selling point and it now makes me look like an idiot - thanks ISSUU for changing the rules.  UNHAPPY CUSTOMER

October 21, 2014, 13:15
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United Jewish Federation of Tidewater

I have gone into the settings like the answer says and when I click the box to allow automatic links, I am not able to click save. It's like it doesn't register it

September 12, 2014, 17:06
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SB Marketing LLC
Check Answer

You can now turn it ON in the 'Document settings' of your publications, and you can also turn it on while uploading a publication.

Please follow the instructions in this help article to enable the auto-detected links in your publications.

August 13, 2014, 16:44
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Patricia Catanzaro

None of my websites link anymore and they all did before. Issuu usually auto picked up ALL URL's whether I had the www in front or not. If it was a .com it would auto pick up. Right now it renders my magazines useless to my advertisers and readers because they can not just click on websites and connect. It has also ruined my credibility because I have this advertised all through my mags- just click on the websites to automatically connect.... it is frustrating everyone. This was one of the worst changes on any site I utilize. lease change it back to where it was!!!!

PC-Gateway Creative

August 13, 2014, 16:38
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Dales Life

The solution seems to be this: Open your 'My Publications' page, click on the publication in question and go to 'Edit/Edit info' and tick the 'Include detected links' button then Save Changes. You have to do this for every publication, which is a pain if you have a big library. Perhaps they should have left them active by default and added a 'don't include detected links' button

August 7, 2014, 18:44
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Dales Life

Same here, all auto links in every Issuu publication we checked are broken, this includes random checks on other peoples publications. This was an Issuu usp. If it isn't going to be fixed we'll have to look for other solutions.

August 7, 2014, 18:18
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PPR Publications

Having the same problem, very very frustrating, any idea when this will be fixed?

August 4, 2014, 09:43
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Natural Awakenings Northern New Mexico

Same issue. Would like an answer if this will be fixed. Otherwise I will have to change to another program.

August 1, 2014, 16:42
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Traveling Blender

It's July 31st. I see the comment trail re this issue started earlier this month on the 11th.

Has there been any response from ISSUU or has anyone figured out a solution?

August 1, 2014, 03:50
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Jennifer Burnett

I'm having the same problem. http:// links not working (and they did before)!

July 24, 2014, 16:38
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Ian Matson, Buckingham Canal Society

We are also having the same problem. It was only noticed when, through a minor unrelated issue to correct an image, I had to re upload the latest edition. I did the usual hyperlink checks as usually the odd one isn't picked up, but all hyperlinks have failed, and 99% in the previous issues have too. Original PDF files are working perfectly. Please fix asap.

July 22, 2014, 23:26
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SB Marketing LLC

Same here.  Auto detection was great.

When will this be fixed?

July 22, 2014, 13:37
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Pink Triangle Press

Having the same problem here. I went and looked at older publications that had hundreds of auto-detected links, none of them work now. Only the ones I inserted manually, which have become "clips".

Please fix this, one of our main reasons for uploading to issuu was the auto-detection of links, especially for event and business listings. Otherwise it's not really worth it, we can just use our own PDF reader/downloader.

July 15, 2014, 21:17