RecommendationsLink to StatCounter

A very very efficient tool to track website user statistics. It is highly user friendly and no need to be an expert to configure the details. I highly recommend StatCounter. - 28th March 2013

The words that come to mind when I think of statcounter are steadfast, reliable, consistent, useful I wish there was an affiliate program .....
— Carl Leitz - 27th March 2013

Elég sok látogatás számlálót kipróbáltam de ez veri mindet! Remek munkát végeztek! Köszi!!!
↪ I have tried many Visitor Counters before but this one beats all! Great job! Thanks!!!
— Simon Péter - 25th March 2013

Statcounter is de beste in het weergeven van bezoekers die uw site bezoeken. Statcounter dringt niet aan om te upgraden. Wat dat betreft is het een goed uitgangspunt. Ondertussen kan je gerust je site beoordelen, in welke mate deze bezocht wordt. Upgraden komt later wel, als de site optimaal presteert. Uitstekende service.. Dit is echt een webmastertool.. TOPPIE
↪ Statcounter is the best for calculating visitors to your site. Statcounter does not force you to upgrade - a good starting point. Meanwhile you can have your site visits recorded with ease. You can upgrade later when your site is performing optimally. Fantastic service.. This is a top webmaster tool.. GREAT
— Ronny Wong Fat - 21st March 2013

I've been using your service for years. I have to say it is one of best free offerings I've seen in a long time. I can only hope that our success will get to the point we need to pay for your service, but in the meantime I just wanted to say Thank You, and keep up the good work. I wish you all the best and success.
— Rick, - 4th March 2013

Real easy to set up, nice one guys!
— Kel Britton - 5th April 2013

You offer an Excellent product! I am very impressed with reliability of your counter, detailed graphical reports, preciseness. WOW! Definitely come back and recommend your StatCounter to all my friends! BRAVO!
— Taras K - 29th January 2013

Feedback on the 2010 StatCounter Redesign

StatCounter's redesign is vastly improved with more simplicity and better organizational clarity, a more pronounced and structured focus on usability. Best wishes with the new site!
— Ross Blaettner, Business Innovation AND Technology Solutions, - 26th August 2010

The layout is more simple and I think would appeal to a wider audience ... The fact that you're listening to people's comments is refreshing!
— David, - 28th July 2010

The navigation seems smoother - and the gui more intuitive with some new but subtle features - or perhaps features that were overlooked previously.
— Carl, - 5th July 2010

Just wanted to tell you again how much I like everything. Wish I could say the same for a number of other sites that I visit often that have done 'makeovers'. Keep up the good work!
— Blair, - 17th June 2010

I am loving this redesign so far!!!
I always go to Visitor Paths and scroll the page - I find VP gives me most of what I need to know from where they are, how they found me to where they landed, and went on my site and how they left my site - I can label IPs easily - and keep watch for specific hits i.e. affiliates and comment spammers - it's all there in one page view.
LOVE this!
Karen, - 16th June 2010

Solid 5 out of 5 Award in All Professional Reviews

Internet Magazine 5 Star Award Internet Magazine 5 Star Award
October 2003
  Tucows 5 Cows Award Tucows 5 Cows Award
September 2004

Older Feedback (2005)

We're amazed at the power from Statcounter. We'll definately be passing your link on.. and on.. and on..
Now we know how many people are reading our site we're gettin kinda spooked.... who are they, what do they think of it... are they all stalkers????? Yikes
Great stuff, Thanks for the counter.
— The Junkies (Soon to be the biggest name in music) - 2nd August 2005

We are fortunate to have a 'web-master' so we leave the technical stuff to him. But as I am the main 'writer' & have a real reason & motivation for our site, I care very much about whether it is being:
a) used &
b) possibly meaningful to some people.
Through your great services we can have some knowledge - even encouragement.
So I wasn't sure how to contact 'you' - but hope those responsible - for what to me seems a marvellous service - is at least thanked.
It is really, really helpful & great in every way! - (You are so clever!)
— Suzanna, G.O.Fellowship, & 'The Watchmans Post' - 27th July 2005

Dear StatCounter,
Thank you for the continued improvements, recently the customizable Summary Stats are excellent, I like the many options available. Generally I have never been disappointed with StatCounter, I am always surprised with new features and options you keep providing.
— John Beres - 14th July 2005

Excellent improvement on the summary stat! Exactly what I have asked and hoped for! Thank you
— Per Karlsson - 13th July 2005

Confessions of a StatCounter Junkie...
My name is Nathan and I'm a Statcounter Junkie...
As I seat myself at the computer, log in and check my website stats for the 7th time today, it suddenly hits me. I'm addicted to StatCounter and I can't help myself.... I'm constantly amazed by the variety of visitors that my site receives. From Turkey to Brazil, Saudi Arabia to Fiji (and all points in between), there's something inherently fascinating about watching something that you've created attract so much attention from around the globe.
The level of detail provided by StatCounter's logs is truly remarkable. I find that I'm constantly refining and changing my pages to suit my visitors, their screen resolution, browsers and operating systems. I still can't believe that they provide all of this for free with no requirement to provide a visible link to their site.
So thank you StatCounter. I extoll the virtues of your services to anyone who cares to listen and I'll continue to do just that!
— Nathan Smith, - 12th February 2005

I run websites for a number of voluntary organisations. Primary criteria for anything I use is that it must be minimum cost - preferably free. When I stumbled across StatCounter I was cautious. I spoke with some professional colleagues who all asked the same question - what's the catch: we still can't find one.
In the week I've been running StatCounter I've learned that I need to re-size my pages to give access to all of those still running 800x600 screen resolution, what the favourite pages are, where my visitors come from: 10% from the USA! - even one from Greece. 99% of my visitors use Internet Explorer and they spend between 5 seconds and 30 minutes on my site. And all without popup adds or graphics that don't quite match - you don't even mind that I hide the counter!
Thank you for producing a really useful tool.
— Tony Bell, Press Officer, Suffolk Basketball - 20th September 2004

I LOVE this service, LOVE IT! I'm so impressed with you guys, you have no idea. I'm a small business and is helping me make everyday decisions in real time! I am able to figure out what is working for my new websites and my new business immediately after I implement a change. I can't thank you enough.
Every small business owner that doesn't have the cash at first to purchase tracking add ons for their Websites should WORSHIP you! Your helping me on my way to earning revenues, I'll certainly be upgrading my service soon to pay back for the help you provided a small guy like me in the beginning. Big thanks from a small company CEO. Thanks again for your wonderful, wonderful product!
— Colin McGrath, President/CEO - 17th July 2004

I received the long-awaited email, saying that StatCounter were taking new projects on board and I hastily got my account up and running.
It's easy to read testimonials with a cynical viewpoint, but for once I have to agree; this service is rather exceptional. I first went looking for an alternative hit counter because my hosting service was reporting some rather bizarre statistics that flew in the face of what I'd researched (apparently everyone out there in Cyber-world uses Netscape 4.0).
So onto Google I went, and stumbled across StatCounter. It was free, it said (but only if you want the absolute minimum of stats, I thought). It could be invisible, it said (but only if you pay a premium, I thought). It didn't asphixiate your site with pop-up windows, it said (yeah right, I thought, where's the catch?) Well it turned out I was wrong and that all the testimonials were quite right.
At a time when the Internet is getting cynical and over-commercialised and is being villified by the media, it's so refreshing to see a site that just wants to deliver a free and high-quality product. Thank you, StatCounter, I stand corrected!
— Carmen, North Wales - 11th Feb 2004

I just wanted to say that I am absolutely blown away that StatCounter is free!! (now don't decide you oughta charge cause of these kinds of comments! ). I am so very impressed and want you to know I appreciate it sooo much! You offer so many features. The invisible counter is just what I've been looking for and the option to disable logging my own visits is great! I'm telling everyone I know to check you guys out. I had a problem and visited your "support" page and immediately found what to do about it, and it worked perfectly. (Can you tell I'm pleased with your service?
— rekw, Missouri, USA - 23rd June 2004

Am I dreaming. Is this for real?
After 2 weeks of searching for a service that would give me the statistics I needed from my sites visitors, I stumbled across your site. There it was in front of me, everything I needed and more and FREE! As I type this I am uploading my pages with the code. I've viewed the demo pages and have no doubt that this is exactly the tool I need to track how my affiliates are going. I can not thank you enough for offering a much needed service at the right price to small website owners with NO budget. Seems I was wrong. Not everyone is out to make a quick buck off those trying to get somewhere.
Thank you.
— Ann, Queensland, Australia - 12th Feb 2004

Dear Aodhán,
I have been really bragging about your product! In addition, the quarterly meeting for our Board of Trustees and the Foundation was last week and the two groups were given a review of the updates to our website including the web counter and statistics I had printed from the StatCounter site. They were "blown off their socks" (their words, not mine) impressed with the product and what it was able to track. One person has already added it to their site and several others copied the information I had printed so they could look at your site later.
They were also very impressed with the cost! We were given bids from a local webhosting service for the creation and maintenance of the site that included a hit counter (which I now do internally from our agency) and they wanted to charge a ridiculous fee for this service! We are a non-profit child welfare agency and anything we can do to keep our costs down is of great value!
Thanks again!
— Sue Tode, Marketing Coordinator, Chaddock - 1st Dec 2003

I must tell you that I'm stunned by the high level of this site. You have truly a done a wonderful job here, and there is no doubt that this is the best COUNTER site of the web.
— Oren, Paragon Creations - 17th Nov 2003

Dear Aodhán
I never believe in free service as free service normally have all sort of problem and disadvantages.
But I was wrong when I found statcounter; this is the best stats tracker service that I have ever found in my whole entire internet marketing experience!! Not only it's free, it is equip with features that other company are charging!
Aodhán, You are doing a great favor for the online marketer. Keep up the good work!!
— Patric, Infopreneur, eSuccess Mastery - 16th Nov 2003

These were just a few of our favourite quotes from our members. Take a look in our forum to see more of what our members are saying about the service on a daily basis.

Internet Magazine Review:

Which site stats tool is the best? (conclusion)

So, which free traffic analysis tool should you choose? Should you go for log file analysis or a hosted tracking service? All the approaches we've looked at can give you useful information about your site's traffic, but some are more appealing than others.

Analog has been doing traffic analysis for years and it's great that something so powerful is still available for nothing. Unfortunately, it's not the most beautiful or user-friendly bit of software you'll come across, and even the addition of Report Magic's pretty graphs aren't enough to make the log analyser an attractive option. We preferred the good looks and simplicity of WebLog Expert Life--it might not be configurable, but it should give most small site owners all the traffic information they need.

The trouble with log file analysis is that you need access to your server logs. Some hosting companies might not be happy to give you these files, but even if your logs are available you might find that downloading them becomes a bit of a chore. Log file analysis h much better if you can install the software directly onto your own server.

The four traffic monitoring services we've covered don't require any software installation or access to log files. They offer up to the minute information about the people that visit your site, and you only have to log in to a Web-based interface to see your stats.

The features offered by these hosted services vary--most offer limited functionality for free, demanding money to release the really juicy stuff.

FreeStats was particularly poor, giving site owners little useful information for free and asking them to add a monstrous banner ad to their lovely pages for the privilege. Of course, companies don't want to give away all their best stuff for nothing, but a better basic service might encourage more people to give FreeStats a try.

If someone could nudge Extreme and remind the developers that it's 2003, then perhaps they'll get around to updating their service. It might be popular, but there are much better alternatives around these days. Site Meter could also do with a facelift, but at least it provides you with detailed information about your visitors. The email reports are good too, and there are a couple of other original features that make it a decent choice. Once again, though, the free service is designed to lure you into paying for something better, and that can be frustrating if you're not prepared to fork out.

But StatCounter is totally free--and what's more, it offers loads of features that you'd only expect to find on expensive commercial services. Its friendly site provides plenty of help to get you started, the online interface is clear and simple, and the option to use an invisible counter is a teat bonus if you don't want anything interfering with your carefully laid out design. It might not go into the kind of depth offered by the likes of WebTrends, but StatCounter is an excellent free service that we'd highly recommend.

COPYRIGHT 2003 EMAP Media Ltd.

Internet Magazine in its Oct 2003 edition reviewed 6 free traffic analysis tools, recommend StatCounter above the rest and awarded us its maximum 5 star award. Thank you Internet Magazine! This was the conclusion of the article.