Navitus Bay Examination Completed

Government body closes the examination of the Navitus Bay application

The Government’s Planning Inspectorate has closed the examination of the application for the Navitus Bay Wind Park project, comprising up to 194 turbines capable of producing electricity for around 700,000 homes.

Protecting rights and safety

The examination started six months ago and the RYA has responded at every stage to the developer’s proposals.

Many of the points of concern for recreational boating have been resolved to our satisfaction.  

Over the past twelve years the RYA has worked closely with the maritime community (notably the Maritime and Coastguard Agency, the General Lighthouse Authorities, the Chamber of Shipping, and the UK Major Ports Group) in an effort to limit the impact of offshore renewable developments on the navigational rights and safety of recreational boating.

Next steps

There will now be a period of three months for the Examining Authority to consider and make a recommendation to the Secretary of State.

The Secretary of State will then have three months in which to make their decision.

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Article Published: March 12, 2015 10:20


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