Sailing Club

Safeguarding Action Plan 

The RYA Board has approved an Action Plan to further develop the resources and support that the RYA offers clubs and centres to help them fulfil their responsibility to safeguard the welfare of children taking part in their activities.

A priority area over the next year is to make safeguarding training more widely available, in a practical and cost-effective way through a combination of e-learning and workshops, to instructors, coaches, club volunteers and welfare officers.   

The other focus is to increase the involvement of young people in the development of resources and information designed for them and to find ways to enable them to contribute their views.  This may already be happening at club level and if you have a great example of involving and consulting young people, perhaps through a youth committee or forum, we would love to hear from you so that we can share good practice.  Please contact Jackie Reid, RYA Safeguarding Co-ordinator, at

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Article Published: May 28, 2013 14:59

Article Updated: April 16, 2014 11:29


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