Marine licence: Fee structure 

RYA concerned that current MMO licence fees are not proportionate or appropriate.

From 2014 a marine licence will be required for all maintenance dredging activites.  

This will include activities involving a deposit or removal of a substance or object below the mean high water springs mark and in any tidal river to the extent of the tidal influence

The RYA believes that the fees charged for marine licences are disproportionate to the type of small scale dredging that will be undertaken by clubs.

The MMO is expected to announce its new charging structure in Autumn 2013.

The RYA wants to achieve

  • Fees that are proportionate to the risk and scale of activity proposed in the application.
  • More tiers in the licence fee structure to accommodate works between £10,000 and £1,000,000.  

RYA has successfuly

  • Raised the issue of disproportionate licence fees with the MMO and received their assurances that the fee review will result in a fairer and more proportionate licensing fee structure.


The RYA is awaiting the MMO’s announcement regarding the changes to the licence fee structure.

This issue is peculiar to England, since the relevant authorities in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales have developed their own fee structures.   

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Article Published: November 03, 2011 8:27

Article Updated: March 16, 2015 14:44


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