Max Oscroft

Max takes Eastern Region Youth Champion award OnBoard

Grafham Water OnBoard Club's Max Oscroft (13) has been revealed as the winner of the Eastern Region RYA Youth Champion Award.

Max, from Perry, near Huntingdon will receive his award along with the 13 regional winners at the official awards presentation taking place at the RYA Suzuki Dinghy Show on Sunday 01 March. 

The awards which were created just last year recognise the outstanding achievement and performance of young people across the range of activities the RYA - boating’s national governing body - represents, including sailing, windsurfing and powerboating.   

Max was nominated by Grafham OnBoard Club and selected as a winner by the RYA Eastern regional committee. His racing success follows on from the club members being introduced to sailing through the RYA OnBoard scheme. 

Over a ten year period the scheme has introduced over 500,000 children to sailing and windsurfing in the UK and converted 10% of them into regular participants.   

In nominating Max Grafham Onboard Club said of him: “Max has been with our OnBoard Club for the last four years and has grown into not only an extremely competent sailor but also a great young man. He came to the club through a sailing taster session and has not looked back since.   

“Max has attended the National School Sailing Association (NSSA) National Youth Regatta for the last three years and has come away with some incredible results. Not only this, but he now has his own Laser which comes with him to local Cambridgeshire regattas, and this year finished in the top 10 - a huge achievement for a boy who is only still 13 years old.   

“Max now gives up his Saturday mornings to teach the younger members of our OnBoard Club and is giving something back to the sport he truly loves. He qualified as an Assistant Dinghy Instructor this summer, and it’s easy to say we're all extremely proud of this young man.”   

Max, who is a Sports Ambassador at Longsands Academy, said of his selection: “I am honoured to be chosen for this RYA award for the sport I love. I really enjoy being part of such a great OnBoard Team, attending the Cambridgeshire Youth League races, the RYA zone championships and the NSSA national regattas”   

For more information on the RYA Regional Youth Champion Awards visit youth champion    

For more information about how to get involved in sailing visit onboard   

For more about Grafham Water Centre visit   

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Article Published: February 20, 2015 17:09

Article Updated: February 23, 2015 9:07


Tagged with: Youth News

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