How to be a Competitor 

If you belong to an RYA affiliated club or attend an RYA training centre why not try your hand at the 2015 Honda RYA Youth Rib Championship, now in its 14th year and growing in popularity.

There are two classes: 8-12 years and 13-16 years.  This is the age of the entrant at the time of the National Final i.e. for the 8-12 year olds the competitor should not have had their 13th birthday before 13th September 2015 and similarly in the 13-16 year old section they should not have had their 17th birthday before 13th September 2015.

The competition takes the form of a time trial around a set of marks - the fastest time wins.  The slalom buoys are set 12.5m apart so that skill and control, and not necessarily speed, are the most important factors.  Each competitor has two runs, one as a practice and one as a 'hot lap'.  Both runs are timed and the fastest time put forward.  Please see the diagram in the download area showing the overall structure of the competition.

Find out more about how the competition works

If you would like your club to participate in the 2015 Championship, please contact the organisers for an information pack.

Contact Us

Article Published: May 19, 2009 12:03

Article Updated: February 23, 2015 10:33


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