Marine Careers Workshop Sat 18th April 2015 1000 - 1230 hrs
Venue: Admirals Room, Royal Southampton Yacht Club, Channel Way, Ocean Village Southampton SO143QF
Aim An understanding of the potential career opportunities within the “Marine Industry”.
Target Audience: Persons (& parents) in full time education who may be interested in a career in the marine industry and careers advisors.
Host: Tony Birr British Marine Federation South Careers Ambassador plus Industry representatives
1000 Welcome & Introductions
1030 Presentation about the Marine Industry and a careers pathway,
1100 Open Forum "Question & Answer" session to host & industry representatives
1130 Meet the industry representatives.(Informal)
1230 Departure
Free to attend & some drink refreshments will be provided.
The restaurant & bar will be open after the event for those that wish to stay on.
Car parking is available next to the clubhouse. It is a Pay & Display £1 per hour
Places are limited to a total of 50 guest and so to secure you place please contact the host via email with you name and number in your group.
You are welcome just to turn up on the day but once we have reached our limit we cannot accept any further entrants due to fire regulations.