
Welcome to the UK CO2 Storage Evaluation Database, CO2 Stored. Hosted and under development by The British Geological Survey (BGS) and The Crown Estate, this site is based on the database produced in the UK Storage Appraisal Project. CO2 Stored provides access to world-leading overview data on CO2 storage. Through this website, users can view and interrogate over 500 potential CO2 storage sites around offshore UK.      More information.


The CO2 Stored database was originally developed in the UK Storage Appraisal Project (UK SAP). The UKSAP was commissioned and funded by the Energy Technologies Institute (ETI) to provide a comprehensive, auditable and defensible estimate of UK CO2 storage capacity.

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Why Register

Access to CO2 Stored is through a secure online web enabled database and Geographical Information System (GIS). Users of the database will have access to information for over 500 potential UK CO2 storage units collated as part of the UKSAP project.

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Access to the CO2 Stored database is by Licence Agreement. A licence fee may be payable depending on the user group to which your organisation belongs.

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Why Register
