The Horrible Sounds of Lurking

In theory, echolocation is a beautiful way to experience the world. In practice, there is something unnerving about only knowing what is immediately around you, and only if you make a sound. Therein lies Lurking, one of many indie games on display at the SXSW Gaming Expo in Austin. » 3/14/15 2:05pm Yesterday 2:05pm

Multiplayer is More Fun When Your Friends Act Like Idiots Together

There's a free video game expo in Austin and you aren't there - but dozens of game developers are showing off their wares. Of particular interest: offline multiplayer games. Why plug into the net when friends can game from the same couch? » 3/14/15 7:19am Yesterday 7:19am

Naka-kon 2015: The First Day

In a place like Kansas, you wouldn't expect any major convention to exist. While Naka-kon may not pull the numbers of some of the largest crowds (I'm looking at you, Otakon), it has thus far been more than enjoyable. The convention had over 7000 guests last year, and is likely to increase those numbers this year,… » 3/14/15 2:13am Yesterday 2:13am

Interview with Indiana Comic Con: Past Problems Acknowledged,…

Hi guys! After a relatively uneventful first day at Indiana Comic Con, I finally heard back from Halia, my PR contact. I'd sent in an e-mail interview, just like I did for Awesome Con Indianapolis, and was able to look over it while I uploaded the day's photos. » 3/14/15 2:07am Yesterday 2:07am

Q: Would you mind telling me a little bit about…

TAY: Open Forum - More Than You Expected But Less Than You Hoped

Welcome to the Open Forum, hosted by Kotaku's reader-run blog, TAY. Feel free to discuss today's topic, or talk about anything else. If you're done here, why not check out the other articles on TAY, AniTAY, or TAYClassic. Or you can stop by our IRC Chatroom. Want to play some games with us? Find our handles in the » 3/13/15 10:00am Friday 10:00am

Why Doesn't This Game Exist: The Zelda Initiative

Hello, TAY! Welcome to the first of what will hopefully be a regular feature from me: Why Doesn't This Game Exist? Despite the title, the goal of this column will be to find out from you, the TAY reader, that oh my gosh it totally DOES exist! Hooray! All other relevant discussion and game ideas are very much… » 3/13/15 9:08am Friday 9:08am

Shonen Jump Round Up: Bleach 618 & 619 and One Piece 779

Welcome back to the round up, everyone! After missing last week due to an vile incursion of REAL LIFE BIZ, we're back with an extra fat installment. So, we'll be doing the two most recent chapters of Bleach and one chapter of One Piece (there was no new chapter of that this week). Let's get on with it! » 3/12/15 9:51pm Thursday 9:51pm

Graveyard Shift - Peripherals

Hey everyone! Welcome to the Graveyard Shift, the nightly hang-out hosted by Kotaku's reader-run blog, TAY. This is a place to talk about anything - your lives, your gaming habits, or whatever else you desire. Hop on in and join the discussion! When you're done here, you could always go check out the articles over at » 3/12/15 9:17pm Thursday 9:17pm