Twiitit / Kaikki / Ei vastauksia

  1. 日本の開発者の皆さまへ: Analytics APIの日本語訳ドキュメントが公開されました!その使い方やサンプルデモを日本語で紹介していますのでぜひ御覧ください。

  2. Migrating from the Data API v2 to v3? We walk you through what you need to know about how quota is handled in v3: ^jp

  3. Blog post update: . YouTube Direct Lite for iOS which demonstrates best practices for using YouTube APIs on iOS. ^iu

  4. Now that Live Streaming platform is open to all verified channels, here’s how get started with the API. ^iu

  5. Using the legacy Data API (v2) for commenting? Make sure you are prepared for the switch to the new system:

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