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  1. 5 yrs ago today Jessica lost her life to an archaic disease just cos she gave birth #maternalhealth via @jessicastrust
  2. @ambermcgregor I've been eating chocolate whilst breastfeeding! Don't know of any reason not to so I say go for it!!
  3. Holy Cow! Flight Control update available. Peer-to-peer multi-player. Must. Stop. Hyper-ventilating. (via @jamescousins) COOL!
  4. Off to Cornwall for our first family holiday today. No such thing as travelling light with a baby! Will there be room for us in the car?
  5. Remember Army fun day in Battersea Park today 12-5. (via @Up_the_Junction)
  6. Jnr's cot now put together, so his room is all ready for him to move into when we get back from holiday. #fb
  7. RT @shanerichmond: Sadly this is how dead celebrities are reported: (via @grahamallcott)
  8. Is there really no other news than MJ's death?
  9. RT@alandavies1 It's not over yet, he'll be out of that hospital with a pack of zombies behind him, dancing to Thriller any minute now
  10. Watching Mamma Mia. Pierce Brosnan sure can't sing, bless him!
  11. @jamescousins couldn't get boo to work. Said video format not supported :(
  12. @jamescousins yep, was HD. not sure the video quality is that good though
  13. @jamescousins have videoed it. Wasn't sure how else to do it!!
  14. Just seen my Mum on TV. She's at Wimbledon. Was quite a good close-up too. Unfortunately she was yawning!!
  15. Finally finished painting Jnr's room (with help from his Granny). Just need to work out how to put the cot together now! #fb
  16. Watching the last British woman in Wimbledon lose her march. What a shame.
  17. Tip of the day: don't drop a tub of microwavable chicken tikka masala on the floor. It gets everywhere! Argh!
  18. RT @jamescousins Damn right: "If you live in SW11 you live in Battersea, not Clapham!" (via @robertbrook)
  19. I wish @jamescousins would admit his back is hurting. He's been lying on the floor and wearing my TENS machine. But says he's OK. Hmm.
  20. Sat night is pizza night. Sun night seems to be turning into Chinese takeaway night. Oh dear! A workout on EAS Active first though.