Medina Yacht Club

Last Saturday 7th May 2015 we held the first meeting of the Medina Yacht Club. This meeting agreed the club's constitution and rules, and elected the committee.

For the last year there have been discussions between the marina and different groups of berth holders about forming a club. The object of the club includes:

  • to promote recreational boating of all types
  • go cruising in company
  • provide social and networking opportunities to build friendships within the marina and club
  • to broaden the knowledge and experience of members
  • provide peer support to build sailor confidence

East Cowes Marina has 200 annual berth holders with boats ranging from 6m to 20m, both power and sail. Berth holders have diverse boating interests, including sea angling, solo and crewed yacht racing, cruising locally and overseas. Some use their boats every week, others for just a few days a year. This club should be a great way to share knowledge and encourage participation, and should be a supportive forum in which boat-owners of all persuasions feel happy to contribute.

Dean & Reddyhoff Ltd will be a central part of the club, and will be the permanent secretariat for the club. 

If you would like to join or have any views about the club, or just some advice to share, please contact Rachel on 01983 293983 or pop into the office.