
Publishing to tablets


If you are looking for an affordable entry-point app designed for both iOS and Android, our Easi-App product is a great starting point.

The app acts as a container holding a number of your publications. The versatility of this repository model means the app can then be employed for anything from magazines to thick reference books. You can also make use of the intuitive, entry-point interactivity with streamed audio and video content throughout your editions.

If you have links to URLs, these will automatically be scanned as the page is uploaded. Readers can then alternate between reading in the app and reading selected pages on your website. As with all our apps, Easi-App supports vector-rich graphics, search-engine-friendly text, an intuitive user interface and a host of other features designed to make your experience, and that of your readers, as enjoyable as possible.

As established publishing software developers, we also understand that at the top of your list of requirements is usually the need for a straightforward workflow. As a result, our YUDU Publisher system neatly ties itself into your Easi-App, allowing you to publish content by simply uploading a PDF and hitting the “Publish” button.

As an entry-level product, Easi-App is generally targeted towards smaller publishers, such as limited-circulation regional magazines. If your publishing requirements run beyond that of a small enterprise and require more extensive interactivity, features and functionality, our Premier App product would be more appropriate.

Premier App

Creating an app for your magazines, catalogs, corporate communications or other documents takes a highly feature-rich direction with a Premier App. This technology allows you to reach online readers away from their computers, and with log-in options you can choose what different readers see. Apps can be deployed to iOS, Android and Windows, which makes the allure of cross-platform publishing a reality.

How does this work? Much like all our apps, it acts as a digital publishing repository or ‘container’ and holds your publications. These are generally ordered in a chronological sequence allowing readers to quickly find what they are looking for.

With Premier you can include custom HTML welcome and navigation pages to give your readers more options. You can use our categories feature to categorize your content, creating navigable categories or folders within the app. This allows you to continually adjust the scope and scale of what you use the app for.

Using clippings means that diagrams and images can also be stored and referred back to at a later stage.

Support for further user-generated content is in our development plan, and we are always open to suggestions if there are other features required.

Browser delivery:

Our browser delivery solution provides a top quality reading experience via the web. It is designed to reach readers on any device, and will respond with either Flash or HTML output depending on which is compatible.

This option is best suited to those who are casually browsing the web and and might not be inclined to download your app. You are able to share links to the browser delivery solution via social media, websites and blogs and can therefore reach a wide readership.

Despite running in the browser, this solution delivers high quality pages at full zoom levels, as good as within a native app. If you are familiar with other browser solutions, you'll understand how important this is for end-users.

How does it work? Simply upload your PDFs to YUDU Publisher and select both Flash and HTML publishing options. You will then be given links to distribute across the web, and access to full analytics.