Build a branded retail app for all your catalogs, brochures and other retail content with our digital catalog software: Providing you and your customers with an m-commerce revenue channel.
How easy is it to create a digital catalog?
Retail app Delivery: Publishing to a catalog app is simple and gives you the ability to expand your brand presence on all app stores and drive traffic to your site. Simply upload, enhance and publish, and your catalog can be submitted to app stores.
Browser Delivery: Deliver your print catalogs in an interactive format to web browsers using YUDU. Just upload, enhance and publish, and your catalog can be read within any browser on any device.
Simple workflows are key, and YUDU Publisher allows you to publish once, even if you’re publishing to the browser, mobiles and tablets. You can upload one catalog, which can be published to all types of device.
Sample gallery
Create custom welcome screens
Automated product hyperlinking
Intuitive in-edition search
Direct more traffic to your site
Let readers create wishlists
In-browser product rollovers