Schools Competitions

British Schools' Modern Biathlon

 Schools Biathlon 2010

Modern Pentathlon is a multi-discipline sport that consists of the five contemporary and diverse disciplines of fencing, swimming, riding plus a combined run and shoot.

Not everybody is able to compete in the full Modern Pentathlon, so we organise competitions in the following formats to give opportunities for athletes of all ages, abilities and levels of fitness to get involved in a safe and enjoyable environment:

  • Modern Biathlon swim - run
  • Biathle continuous run-swim-run
  • Modern Triathlon swim - combined run/shoot
  • Modern Tetrathlon swim - fence - combined run/shoot
  • Modern Pentathlon swim - fence - ride - combined run/shoot


The British Schools’ Modern Biathlon series of competitions are a great starting point for athletes wishing to get involved in an exciting multi-discipline sporting environment and are organised to encourage as many children as possible to take part. The Modern Biathlon consists of a separate swim and run for all age groups with the distances depending on the competitor’s age (see table below).

Competitors run and swim times are converted to points, with the final positions being decided by the total number of points achieved overall after both disciplines.

There is also a team element to the competition as the three top scoring individuals in each age group from the same school count as a team. A school can have more than one team in an age group if they have enough entries - this adds to the sense of competition on the day.

Age (as at 31st December 2014) Year Born Swim Distance (m) Run Distance (m)
U10 2005 50 800
U11 2004 50 800
U12 2003 50 800
U13 2002 100 1600
U14 2001 100 1600
U15 2000 200 1600
U16 1999 200 1600
U17 1998 200 1600
U19 1996/97 200 1600
Teachers N/A 50 800

To see how the competition will run in 2014-15 click on the 2014-15 season tab.