Medieval Crime Reports Are A Treasure Trove Of Details On Daily Life

If future generations want to know how we whiled away our daily hours, they'll need to look no further than our constant streams of tweets, pictures, and status updates. But what of the poor medieval villager who had no Instagram with which to document the badass tapestry he just wove? » 2/20/15 4:20pm Today 4:20pm

Producer Reveals The Secret Connection Between Arrow And Star Trek

What do Star Trek and Arrow have in common? It's not a trick question; the show's Executive Producer tells us about the secret connection that popped up in the most recent episode. Plus he tells about the one reference that no one has yet caught! » 2/19/15 4:20pm Yesterday 4:20pm

What TV Shows From Today Will People Still Watch In 50 Years?

Regardless of DVDs and streaming, the shelf-life of a completed TV show can be incredibly short, but some shows manage to still be watched for decades after they've finished. Today, we want you to survey today's TV landscape and tell us which shows you think people will still be enjoying 50 years from now. » 2/18/15 7:00am Wednesday 7:00am

What Really Separates Ghost Stories From Zombie And Vampire Tales

The undead, in all sorts of forms, have been haunting our fiction, both lately and in the much more distant past. Here, author Lauren Oliver tells us why (despite competition from plenty of other supernatural characters) ghost stories remain simply unkillable. » 2/17/15 4:20pm Tuesday 4:20pm

Why Jurassic World Should Just Give Us The Feathered Dinosaurs We Want

Jurassic Park and its sequels have never been what you'd call scientifically accurate. (Sorry, Dr. Malcolm, standing still isn't camouflage.) And, yet, somehow, the lack of feathers is the inaccuracy that most rankles. Does it really matter that the new dinos will be scaly instead of soft? You bet it does. Here's why. » 2/13/15 4:20pm 2/13/15 4:20pm

How Zoos Brought This Ancient Horse Back From The Edge Of Extinction

Until 1996, the ancient horse you see above was designated as extinct in the wild. By 2008, their condition had been upgraded to critically endangered, and today, the IUCN notes that Przewalski's horse population continues to increase. Here's how it happened — and the role zoos played in bringing them back. » 2/12/15 4:20pm 2/12/15 4:20pm