Professional Practices & Responsibilities - PPR

Professional Practices & Responsibilities - PPR

Professional Practices & Responsibilities - PPR

Professional Practices & Responsibilities - PPR

Professional Practices & Responsibilities - PPR

Professional Practices & Responsibilities - PPR

Professional Practices & Responsibilities - PPR

Professional Practices & Responsibilities - PPR

We make no apologies for replicating the following from the RYA website. It is, after all, the definitive information on this subject, and should leave the reader in no doubt about the requirements.

PPR is a compulsory online course for new and revalidating RYA Commercial Endorsement applicants.

Who this course is for

Each year approximately 4,500 people apply to the RYA for a commercial endorsement in order to use their RYA qualifications professionally as skipper or crew. You could be doing anything from delivering a new 35’ yacht or driving a workboat with lifting and towing gear, to running a super yacht in the Med. Whatever your job is on board, in the commercial world you are a professional seafarer. As such, you are no different from the captain of a cruise liner – you have a duty of care to crew, passengers, and other water users, and you will be held to account if things go wrong.

The course is broken down into four modules:

Following the modules there is a mock assessment so you can check you are ready before moving on to the final graded online assessment.

We estimate users will take around 6 to 8 hours to work through the four course modules. The graded end of course assessment is split into two sections, totaling 2 ½ hours.

How to take the PPR course

The PPR course is run by RYA recognised training centres. Your training centre will provide remote access to an instructor who will be on hand to help if you have any queries during the online course. 

Contact a training centre or visit their website for more details.

You can take this course anytime prior to your Commercial Endorsement application or renewal. Your PPR certificate will be valid either for your first Commercial Endorsement application or your next renewal.  

How much will the course cost?

The cost of the course is £39 including VAT (2013). Payment will be taken online as you start the course.

Exemptions from this course

If you hold an MCA Deck Officer's Certificate of Competence as Officer of the Watch, Master 200*, Master 500 or above you do not need to take the PPR course. Please send a copy of your MCA certificate with your application or renewal form for your commercial endorsement.

* Please note the 'Master 200' referred to here is the MCA Master 200gt STCW qualification. This is not the RYA/MCA Yachtmaster™ qualification.

Updating your PPR certificate

Once you have taken your first PPR course, at subsequent renewals of your commercial endorsement you will need to take a reduced version of the course and a short test to make sure you are still up to speed with the subject.
Note: If you are over 65 and subject to more regular medical fitness examinations, you do not need to take the PPR course each time you renew your medical. You will simply need to take it when your commercial endorsement is due for renewal (normally every five years).

Miramar Sailing School does not directly offer online PPR courses but we are happy to source this course for our students.